A sad day.
My Bonsai Trees | Posted:
Sun May 27, 2007 5:34 pm
So I went out today and it was a very humid night. Perfect for mold. It must have been spore mold. It was all over my plant. I had to take it out, the damage was far too extensive for it to survive, ANd too further clarify this when I was raking the roots to conzerve and purify the soil to reuse, the roots were molded and rotting. I dont know how or why this mold just randomly started but I sprayed all my plants with a mold prevention liquid. So it is a sad day for me today.
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Day 2
My Bonsai Trees | Posted:
Sat May 26, 2007 1:57 pm
I went back out this morning and saw that the mold and resided a little. So I watered all my trees and the garden hoping that the nasty mold will go away. I can't even look at my poor tree without a tear coming to me eye.
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Welcome ladies and gentlemen!
My Bonsai Trees | Posted:
Fri May 25, 2007 11:51 pm
So I went outside today and found a mold on my Japanese Maple. I almost cried, so I sprayed it with a fungus killer, the first ever non organic thig to touch the Maple. I hope its ok.
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