WEBsite to see my phots
plants plants and more plants! | Posted:
Wed Aug 01, 2007 3:13 am
Hey everyone, give this a try. Seems I cannot directoly upload photos to this site, but I want you to have the address to go to see my "public" photoalbums. PLEASE let me know if you were able to get this up and view the pictures, thanks!
The website is:
This blog entry has been viewed 517 times
What ever the space, my plants have a place!
plants plants and more plants! | Posted:
Wed Aug 01, 2007 12:19 am
Just want to share some photos of the place by my condo. I have planted a yoshimo fowering cherry beside the deck to create a 'living sun umbrella' instead of something that will fade and blow away with the first rainstorm! My lillies all came with me from IN, my puppy (smile, she thinks she is a chihuaha!) is my gardening buddy.
I appreciate all viewers comments and questions!
Deb Peters
This blog entry has been viewed 341 times