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toni's Blog
Installed, up and running
Category: Puttering Around The House | Posted: Sat Jul 15, 2006 5:36 pm This is a really nice, fast computer. Everything is swapped over, all my cookies came over too so I was still recognized at all the places I normally go to. The deal we got included a monitor and at first thought since mine was not all that old we figured to keep the newest one in the box until it was needed. But Randy hooked it up to make sure it worked, the picture is just sooooo much better than the other one that I couldn't let him box it up. The only thing from the package deal I am not using is the mouse. I have a wireless mouse that I love and refuse to do without. My little gnome is in place on the new monitor too. Randy has to find the printer install CD then I will be totally set. My old computer is going to become storage for shared files and stuff that I do not care to have explained to me. This blog entry has been viewed 617 times
Randy has a new toy to play with
Category: Puttering Around The House | Posted: Wed Jul 12, 2006 11:34 pm Yes, I know, a subject line like that could go just about anywhere. :) But in this case the toy is my new computer. I just have a hard time accepting the fact that computers can become so outdated so soon, but outdated is not the problem with this one. It is old and as something old it has begun not wanting to do anything but sit on my desk and stare at me and some days it doesn't even want to wake up in the mornings. Gee, I have days like that but nobody is talking about replacing me.....I hope. My new DELL was delivered this afternoon and Randy is chomping at the bit to get it up and running. He worked on it a bit this afternoon before a meeting he had to attend and if I know him, he will take off work early tomorrow (he works at home Wed and Thurs this week) to get everything installed, hooked up and ready to go. So in a couple of days I should be talking to you all faster and be able remember more of what is said. :) This blog entry has been viewed 648 times
Summer Solstice & Cherry Soup recipe
Category: Puttering Around The House | Posted: Wed Jun 21, 2006 2:18 pm Saying today is the first day of summer is a joke really. This is mid-summer, but then that would put the beginning of Autumn around the first of August and everyone who lives in the southern U.S. knows that the first of August means we are only 2/3 of the way thru summer. Summer begins around the first of May, the second 1/3 begins on Solstice, the last 1/3 begins around the first of August....some years we do have a fourth 1/3 that begins around Sept 21 (autumnal equinox)...of course last year the fifth 1/3 of summer for us began on Dec 21 (winter solstice) then we went into spring and quickly into summer again. Anyway, getting back to the Cherry Soup. It really is a dessert and is really a great way to celebrate mid-summer. 2 1/2 pounds of pitted dark,sweet cherries (fresh if you can find and afford them, but I use bags of frozen) 4 cups of water 1/4 cup of either honey or maple syrup (adjust to taste) juice of 1 lemon Whipped cream or yogurt for topping. (we use chocolate redi-whip) Put cherries, honey/maple syrup and water in saucepan , bring to boil, reduce heat and simmer 15-20 minutes Cool to room temp. Place all in blender with lemon juice and process until smooth adding more sweetner if needed. Chill thoroughly, serve in pretty bowls, top with a dollop of whipped cream or yogurt. This blog entry has been viewed 4410 times
Thank the Gods this weekend is over
Category: Puttering Around The House | Posted: Mon Jun 12, 2006 3:54 am This little house was not made to hold 6 people. I know my Grandmother had 6 kids plus her and my Granddad in a house with only one bathroom but it was a larger house than this one is. My oldest daughter and her husband had their yearly marriage enrichment weekend to attend, that meant we had the grandsons (ages 10 and 6). It was also the weekend of the Anime Convention in downtown Dallas which meant that my youngest daughter had her best friend spending the weekend to go to that. A-con started Friday morning, Randy took the girls to that then went to a convention of Ham Radio operators, giving me 2 hours of absolute alone time before the boys arrived. Saturday morning I was awakened at 6 "bloody" a.m. with the news that the only toilet in the house was stopped up. Randy got that cleared out, took the girls to day 2 of A-con (they are both almost 19 and neither one drives yet) and proceeded to day 2 of HamCon. I on the other hand was home with two boys who love to come to Gramma's where they can play video games as much as they want and have desert after each meal....except breakfast, I do put a limit on that. After A-con on Saturday Amanda's friend had to go home, so we were down to only five in the house. Sunday morning Amanda "plopped" down on the Futon couch/bed where the boys were sleeping and broke it. Randy got over the PO'ed mood and decide he could probably repair it. We took Amanda back to A-con then we took the boys to the Dallas Farmer's Market. The boys went home around 1p.m., we got the Futon repaired and brought Amanda home. We were able to put an end to the weekend's festivities around 8 p.m. Goodness this wine tastes good and it is definitely bedtime. This blog entry has been viewed 641 times
Jam, Jelly and my back
Category: Puttering Around The House | Posted: Tue May 09, 2006 2:26 pm I was really amazed when I got up on Sunday, my back didn't hurt. I know it is because I talked Randy into replacing that waveless waterbed mattress with the old style "bag of water" That meant I didn't get to cuddle up on the couch with the heating pad and a stack of as of yet unread books all day, but remembering how back my back can get I was happy nonetheless. Also didn't get to the jam until yesterday. Got 5 one pint jars of strawberry made. I also found containers of crabapple juice and wild grape juice in the freezer. Neither was enough to make a batch of jelly on their own, but combined was just the right amount. Got 6 jars of jelly done too. And it all set up properly. Sometimes we end up with jars of ice cream topping instead :) Now if only the cucumber vines would take off and give me lots of cukes for sweet pickles. We have been out of sweet pickles and sweet relish for months because of a failed crop last year. This blog entry has been viewed 579 times
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