Using Herbs for Thanksgiving
Miscellaneous | Posted:
Fri Nov 23, 2007 3:03 am
First decide on the size; this will depend on the number of varieties you choose to grow. A kitchen garden can be planted into individual 12x18" pots, or into windowboxes where you can easily snip them with abandon when you fire up the stove or dress a salad. You will find that herbs yield abundant harvests all season if you tend to thier basic need for good fertile soil and adequate moisture.An important factor in growing successful herbs is good drainage. A light well drained soil is best for starting seeds indoors, be careful not to cover the seeds to deeply with soil. Keep the seeds moist during germination and water with a fine spray to prevent washing away of the soil.Select a south or west window when growing herbs indoors. You can use grow lamps or fluorescent lamps to supplement the light. When planting, mix 2 parts potting soil and 1 part coarse perlite, there should be an inch of gravel on the bottom of each container to ensure good drainage. Highly fertile soil will produce excessive amounts of foliage with poor flavor.
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