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notes end of may 2009
Posted: 06 Aug 2009 Posted: 18 May 2009 Posted: 08 May 2009 Posted: 06 May 2009 Posted: 06 May 2009 All Entries |
bubbleoffplumb's BlogNOTES
notes end of may 2009
Category: garden 2009 | Posted: Thu Aug 06, 2009 3:03 pm 5/25 well the rubus has finally bloomed. noticed it last year, and thought it might need more sunlight to bloom. found out this year (a vague reading recollection) that they don't bloom until the second year? it does appear that this is indeed the case. 5/26 a winged visitor on the viola. viola visitor ( photo / image / picture from bubbleoffplumb's Garden ) these guys are so friendly - sometimes they perch on my hands as I water the plants. 5/29 Lapsana communis aka Nipplewort is really running rampant in the area by the dilapidated garage. quite alarming how fast they've multiplied since last year - a definate warning sign right there. Lapsana communis ( photo / image / picture from bubbleoffplumb's Garden ) deer tongue grass - mixed in with some circaea I think? deer tongue grass ( photo / image / picture from bubbleoffplumb's Garden ) same garage area -I transplanted a few back up in this area from where they volunteered a plenty (other side of the house). they don't seem too happy here - I think they need a bit more sunlight than they're getting in this location. 5/30 easy to tell the difference by seed head at this time of year: Chelidonium majus Cheilidonium ( photo / image / picture from bubbleoffplumb's Garden ) and wood poppy ~ Stylophorum diphyllum: Stylophorum ( photo / image / picture from bubbleoffplumb's Garden ) /end may This blog entry has been viewed 472 times
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May 02-13 2009 just notes / image heavy
Category: garden 2009 | Posted: Mon May 18, 2009 11:07 pm figured I'll start with a bit of pretty - it gets very nasty down below... Solomons Seal ( photo / image / picture from bubbleoffplumb's Garden ) may 02: vines are leafing out virginia creeper (Parthenocissus quinquefolia) Virginia Creeper ( photo / image / picture from bubbleoffplumb's Garden ) moonseed vine (Menispermum canadense) moonseed vine ( photo / image / picture from bubbleoffplumb's Garden ) wild grape - not sure which grapevine ( photo / image / picture from bubbleoffplumb's Garden ) of course - Poison Ivy (?Rhus toxicodendron, Rhus radicans) and - not a vine Pokeweed (Phytolacca americana) pokeweed ( photo / image / picture from bubbleoffplumb's Garden ) the celandine look alikes are blooming. you can really tell the difference fom the blooms (and later the seedheads). I still have a lot of difficulty telling by leaves. Chelidonium ( photo / image / picture from bubbleoffplumb's Garden ) dreaded garlic mustard is blooming with abandon Garlic mustard en masse ( photo / image / picture from bubbleoffplumb's Garden ) east area by fallen tree really has to be dealt with should x plant other things here to help it's invasive time for sure. in addition to the gm, asian wisteria vines are cropping up all over in the same location. wisteria ( photo / image / picture from bubbleoffplumb's Garden ) knotweed Japanese Knotweed ( photo / image / picture from bubbleoffplumb's Garden ) and tons of norway maple seedlings. Norway Maple ( photo / image / picture from bubbleoffplumb's Garden ) on a brighter note, joe pyes are popping up. Joe Pye Weed ( photo / image / picture from bubbleoffplumb's Garden ) un known flower in the east/infested area unknown ( photo / image / picture from bubbleoffplumb's Garden ) also would like to identify which rubus? in same area. I'll probably have to wait for the bloom. Rubus leaf ( photo / image / picture from bubbleoffplumb's Garden ) Rubus stem ( photo / image / picture from bubbleoffplumb's Garden ) Rubus shoot ( photo / image / picture from bubbleoffplumb's Garden ) ferns fully unfolded. lobelia is getting some height. I've been planting out some of the wintersown stuff. don't know how they'll do. I'm so bad with seedlings. some red salvia seedlings: Salvia Seedlings ( photo / image / picture from bubbleoffplumb's Garden ) 5/5 blasted deer got to some of my solomons seal. I moved the psuedo fence to protect the new cornus, so it was easily attainable. Interesting tho, they went for the, I guess, tenderer young stems. My larger blooming stems are still intact - for now. I did my usual lazy gardener thing. Placed some fallen branches near by, and for good measure put a potted sage there too. hopefully it'll help some. Jewelweed and poke weed will be getting taller soon, so maybe they'll leave the other stuff alone while they nibble on that. 5/8 easywildflowers plants are doing very well in their new homes. as are the "sticks with roots" from coldstreamfarm. Almost all have leafed out nicely. the lindera's are the only ones not leafing out. been putting off dealing with the garlic mustard etc on that east side. mostly because of the poison ivy there. I've got to suit up for that. it's been nice and rainy here - haven't had to do any supplemental watering to the new comers in a while. another good thing about the moist ground - many things pull up easily - n maple seedlings, gm. ion exchange plugs arrived and planted out. - geum triflorum (praire smoke) - in "sun garden" around flat rock - lobelia cardinals - scattered around lindera (to the left of) - (less leaf build up here) - in front of 'sacred mound' by fallen log (inside) - polemonium reptans (jacobs ladder) - mostly front of "wood/rain feature" w/ newly planted cornus - in back of rock wall by bench - across open area from above planting - a few by new geranium planting w/ solomons seal and mini goats beard. - vernonia fasciculata - sun garden - left of window up against house by rain spout - by jap maple (red) w/ veronicastrum - in front of porch w/ joe pye - veronicastrum virginicus - by jap maple (red) w/ vernonia - "across" from above facing dirt road opening - stump by lindera /path side (across from cherry) - aquilegia canadense - front of house by right cedar -(around base) and bare area - stump next to cherry around stump (w/ seedlings) - by lindera "planting" mixed in w cardinal flower - around base of sacred viburnum (w/ seedlings) - opposite path from above - they didn't have my asarum :( (I knew this after calling last week) - allium cernuum -front lindera planting - one or two across path from above -hystrix patula (new name now) - didn't come this was a surprise - I called they said they would send some - arisaema tryphyllum - no roots that I can see - warned me they wouldn't look like much and not to give up on 'em. even had note in packaging back hurts 5/13 "unknown flower" appears to be a beech seedling. not sure if it's american or european yet. Beech seedling - first set true leaves ( photo / image / picture from bubbleoffplumb's Garden ) deer tongue grass is starting to show some height. Deer tongue grass ( photo / image / picture from bubbleoffplumb's Garden ) Finally got around to pulling the garlic mustard from the east/fallen tree area. It was time - those seed heads were starting to show. before: Garlic Mustard before ( photo / image / picture from bubbleoffplumb's Garden ) buh-bye: Garlic Mustard after ( photo / image / picture from bubbleoffplumb's Garden ) still have to deal with the wisteria back there - that'll be a production. will probably have to break out the "glove of death" to deal with that tenacious *insert expletive here*. my back aches just thinkin' about all the work to be done. I'll have to see if my cabana boy does massages. ;) Last edited: Mon May 18, 2009 11:11 pm This blog entry has been viewed 3740 times
a bit more exciting - just notes/ image heavy April 2009
Category: garden 2009 | Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 1:19 pm week of 4/4/09 some ? maybe lavendar? seedlings in one of the pots by the back entry - and maybe? a hyssop, too - in another pot. some tiny unknown seedlings ? maybe snapdragons? form last years annuals by the itea and a few more in another place in that same bed. garlic mustard seedling ( photo / image / picture from bubbleoffplumb's Garden ) (nuh-uh. no way were these snap dragons. Garlic mustard rears it head - again!) echanachia is starting to pop up. noticed that jewel weed seedlings are about also notice 2 ? more of the ? mimulus - by the joe pye/milk weed area tiny circea seedlings in addition to the geranium by the lindera- I also noticed some across the way (viburnum) and some of the dicentra - both by the sacred viburnum and the cherry - this makes me happy - I didn't think I would see those this year. dicentra ( photo / image / picture from bubbleoffplumb's Garden ) spotted some of the solomons seal peeking thru by the cedars yesterday - and if you look real closely you can see one starting to poke thru where they were transplanted last year (right side of "water feature") - time will tell if the "false" solomons seal bareroots come thru in the same area. solomons seal ( photo / image / picture from bubbleoffplumb's Garden ) some small sedlings in the front planting - not sure if thats hepatica or something else and BEHOLD was that some bloodroot coming up too - JOY! I noticed three in the front planting, and another one in back by the cherry. bloodroot ( photo / image / picture from bubbleoffplumb's Garden ) no sign of the jacks or the asarum canadense yet. it seems that some of the bare roots I gave up on last year did indeed make it - I'm curious to see how many truly do. I really must get my locations set for the incoming easywildflower order of plants and the bareroot shrubbery from coldspringfarm - I have less tha two weeks for that and want to figure out where everything will go and have ot prepped before they arrive. I think early may the ionexchange stuff will come- and by that time I'm hoping many of my winter sown goodies can be x planted. 4/7 " I am juglone tolerent" on moving shoe boxes to shade I think next wek - or this weekend. I think they need the warmth. actually, as soon as the (dreaded) maples leaf out they'll certainly b e in shade - but closer to the back door will help with ease of watering. next few days - in the thirtys at night. ***wishes - cut down trees back ( leave walnuts) (and - maple in yew?- and southeast corner) two maples (+ - by te walkway to back) ****wishes- software (use on mac upstairs- ) garden software - or use appleworK? - software w/adding personal o=pics? week of 4/8 popping up: Eurybia divaricata /Aster divaricatus (White Wood Aster) White Wood Aster ( photo / image / picture from bubbleoffplumb's Garden ) one of the Dicentras (not sure maybe squirrel corn?) with some tiny Circaea lutetiana (Enchanter's-Nightshade) Geranium ?maculatum with Impatiens capensis (jewelweed) Stylophorum diphyllum (Celandine Poppy, Wood Poppy) and of course plenty of viola wood poppy ( photo / image / picture from bubbleoffplumb's Garden ) viola ( photo / image / picture from bubbleoffplumb's Garden ) next: Echinacea is popping up, as is Virginia Knotweed aka Jumpseed - Polygonum virginianum (Tovara virginiana, Persicaria virginiana). Fragaria virginiana (wild strawberry/white flowers) - not popping up exactly, it's evergreen ( and very aggresive) around here. 4/9 YIKES cold stream farm delivery came today - luckily, I made some holes, but not all. after too long debating some of 'em, I ending up just putting them in the ground (save one smal xtral red twid - that went in a small pot for now) - they should be transplantable later - The red twigs are 1- in with the vinca by the PI tree, and two more behind the rocks - behind the seat. couldn't put them too close to the monstrous maple. orig. one by water feature, but I ended up planting 2 more there for now. the elderberries are close to the original - but to the left facing outside.- one by the crotch of the moss log, on higher uo on the sacred mound., and the fourth farther baclk - left corner sorta - facing out. that one has two lindera companions back there. the other two lindera, I put by the original. nine barks are around the edges of the birdbath/stump/v creeper area. one where the bayberry was. - they sorta circle around the area - last one is just to the right of the walnut - where the ferns were, and were the false solomons seal never came up - mahonia - 4 to the right of front door (facing door) one in a bit of sum on the path side of that "planting area where the dead tree w ivy is. another 2 on the other (left) side of the f door and a small x tra planted in the white pot out there - I'll have to transplant that eventually I only received 5 of the 6 x mas ferns - they are currently living in front of the closest ninebark - until I figure wht to do with them. I dn't think I was very prepared. 4/17 white throated sparrow encounter - sitting on porch - original where occasional boss is. flew right passed me towards front door - perched on railing and just "hung out" for a bit. if I reached out my hand I'd be just short of touching it - very close. I turned my head only and shared in the encounter. week of 4/22: circeae has grown just a little solomons seal is certainly coming along in an assertive sort of way, and my first sanguinaria (bloodroot) bloomed a day or two ago Sanguinaria Canadensis bloodroot Bloom 04/16/09 ( photo / image / picture from bubbleoffplumb's Garden ) next: my first viola bloom - soon there will be many, viola bloom ( photo / image / picture from bubbleoffplumb's Garden ) and wood poppy/celandine poppy - Stylophorum diphyllum just about to burst forth in it's yellowness... Celandine/wood poopy about to bloom ( photo / image / picture from bubbleoffplumb's Garden ) week of 4/29: celandine (Stylophorum diphyllum) is blooming, wood poppy bloom ( photo / image / picture from bubbleoffplumb's Garden ) ostrich and christmas ferns are unfurling christmas fern ( photo / image / picture from bubbleoffplumb's Garden ) and finally - teeny, tiny ginger (asarum) leaves are emerging asarum - native ginger ( photo / image / picture from bubbleoffplumb's Garden ) next: other ferns are coming too sensitive fern (Onoclea sensibilis) sensitive fern ( photo / image / picture from bubbleoffplumb's Garden ) also (and I'm VERY happy about this) the Jacks are coming! I tried to get a photo, but they're all terribly out of focus. gonna have to wait until they get a bit larger. next: love the columbine I've got some tiny seedlings from wintersowing and I'm also expecting some plugs next month from ion exchange. Jacks are UP! Jack in the pulpit ( photo / image / picture from bubbleoffplumb's Garden ) native strawberry is a-bloomin' wild strawberry bloom ( photo / image / picture from bubbleoffplumb's Garden ) and solomons seal is ready to dangle. solomons seal - ready to dangle ( photo / image / picture from bubbleoffplumb's Garden ) ... on to May ;) ***5/8 note to self: now that notes are caught up, try to post weekly - or at least a few times/ month. This blog entry has been viewed 751 times
nothing exciting - just keeping some notes here - March 09
Category: garden 2009 | Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 11:15 pm 3/24/09 no germination/seedlings yet from previous sowing soil too dense? and pots too small for the snow drops got some annual seeds from easyliving wildflowers probably could've spread the seeds out more - 2x Salvia coccinea Scarlet Sage (red topped cat litter containers) - some seed left over 2x Cleome serrulata (shoe box containers) 2x Chamaecrista fasciculata - partriddge pea (1 blue topped kitty litter, 1 circular "pastry" container) will contact john at easywildflowers about his scarification method for the blanket flower last week of march? - the celandine / wood poppies are showing This blog entry has been viewed 512 times
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nothing exciting - just keeping some notes here - Jan 09
Category: garden 2009 | Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 11:15 pm 1/8/09 had to try to direct something - could easily work soil surface - lotsa rain soaked ground- by the lobelia and cherry - d/s with top of plastic water bottle - lid off. 3 small patches of asarum by the violets and 2 small patches of lobelia down from mature lobelia. also brought in some snow drop with existing garden soil - suspect potting soil with bulbs would probably work better - it's just a test.... must drill holes! 1/0/09 sown in plastic shoe boxes - on picnic table asarum x2 mert - (bluebells) aqui - columbine cimic - black cohosh geranium heli- sunflower lob - cardinal flower Photos taken 2/14/09 winter sow 09 ( photo / image / picture from bubbleoffplumb's Garden ) winter sow 09 ( photo / image / picture from bubbleoffplumb's Garden ) Condensation is Good! This blog entry has been viewed 494 times
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