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Posted: 05 Nov 2009
Posted: 26 Oct 2009
Putting my Garden to bed for the winter
Posted: 23 Oct 2009

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wilkinsbecky's Blog

My Hubby

Category: Thoughts from my Garden | Posted: Thu Nov 05, 2009 4:14 pm

What to do with my loving hubby? I love my hubby very much and want to please him. HE is allergic to almost everything green and growing, and especially anything that flowers. He feels that I don't want to be with him when all I want is to be in my gardens. In a perfect world, he would be out there with me...but he can't. Not that it is an issue this time of year, but in the spring... I always have a great deal of guilt when I spend time in the gardens because I love to get my hands dirty and nurturing the plants along, but I also want my hubby to be happy. I wonder what next summer holds? I probably won't get to spend much time in my gardens as hubby is facing brain surgery for his epilepsy. UHG!!

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Category: Thoughts from my Garden | Posted: Mon Oct 26, 2009 2:53 pm

My kids had a cat that they loved very much. His name was Dusty because he never managed to clean his nose. He was a feral cat who, as a kitten, somehow managed to get into the house without anyone noticing. It was just before winter set in and the kids took to him right away, Grandma said yes, and he was there to stay. He lived with us for a couple of years and provided much entertainment as he was easily spooked and would jump high in the air when he was scared.

A couple of weeks back he came into the house obviosly mauled by something, and he died the next day. We wrapped him in an old towel and buried him under a rock in my birch garden. The place my daughter picked for him. I will think of him every time I work in my garden.

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Putting my Garden to bed for the winter

Category: Thoughts from my Garden | Posted: Fri Oct 23, 2009 3:27 pm

Not much is going on in my garden at the moment. I am putting my perenials to bed for the winter and hope for the spring. we have already gotten several snows, which didn't stay, but are warning blasts--best get your yard work done--winter is coming!!!!

I bought some tulip bulbs yesterday. they are the first tulips I have planted here, I had lots of them when i lived in Illinios. I buy very little for my garden, relying mostly on plant exchanges and the generousity of other gardeners. But every year I do try to sneak a few new plants in. I didn't tell any of my family that I got them,except for my 12 year old son who acts interested but doesn't really care if it isn't a video game or something that will explode. Anyway, I planted the bulbs around the yard and now am waiting for them to come up in the spring and surprize my mother who will love it.

My Hollyhocks did very well this year. I started them from seeds this spring, never having them before. the ones i planted on the south side of my house in the sun, grew quite tall and some of them bloomed. I didn't think they would bloom in the first year! What a nice surprize.

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