Recent Entries to this Blog Baby and Blueberries!
Posted: 08 Apr 2010
Blueberries and Rasberries are growing well!
Posted: 12 Feb 2010
Got my little greenhouse units today!
Posted: 06 Feb 2010
Step 1: green house type?
Posted: 24 Jan 2010

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DesertLady1686's Blog

Baby and Blueberries!

Category: Wanting to garden, but don't know how to garden | Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 4:45 pm

So I am so thrilled. My little one is now about to be 6 weeks old! She is absolutely magnificent. The sad thing is, my blueberries and rasberries took a bit of a hit because I haven't been able to water them so diligently. :( So I am trying to revive those as well as deal with everything a little newborn has to offer. The weather has been getting hotter and windier, so unfortunately, my blueberries are getting either too hot or possibly not enough water. So I hope they start thriving. It's so nice to be able to post again. I hope to be able to post some positive results/pictures soon!

This blog entry has been viewed 177 times

Blueberries and Rasberries are growing well!

Category: Wanting to garden, but don't know how to garden | Posted: Fri Feb 12, 2010 8:10 pm

So in the High Desert here, we had some serious rain. My husband was out doing some Army training in desert and I was all myself. I am supposed to be delivering and having my first baby in the next couple of weeks. It was absolutely hilarious watching me try to set the greenhouse up and put my bushes in it to keep them from getting drenched in the rain. I was reading how the bushes can't be soaked or they will end up rotting. So a very pregnant woman was assembling a greenhouse and trying to accomplish this in a serious down pour. It was quite funny going through this whole process. But today, I opened up the greenhouse to see that the cuttings are growing and new growth is developing. Yay! I absolutely was thrilled getting to see my bushes growing. Hope everyone is having a very fruitful day!

This blog entry has been viewed 150 times

Got my little greenhouse units today!

Category: Wanting to garden, but don't know how to garden | Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2010 12:20 am

So today I got my Flowerhouse pop up greenhouses! They are 3'x3'x3.5' I think I am going to be growing blueberries and rasberries. I am going to the local Lowes and picking up supplies. My sweet husband is planning on making planters to put the blueberry and rasberry cuttings in. Hopefully on Sunday, I will be able to start putting everything together and I will be able to start growing!

Hope everyone has a splendid weekend!

This blog entry has been viewed 163 times

Step 1: green house type?

Category: Wanting to garden, but don't know how to garden | Posted: Sun Jan 24, 2010 7:06 pm

So I'm new out into the desert. I'm from Georgia so I am used to green. Here in the lovely high desert? Nothing! I see bushes and that is about it. I am currently trying to figure out in our weather if I need to invest in an inexpensive green house.

The temperatures here range from 30 F to 120 F.
The winds can get pretty aggressive so I worry about not protecting the plants.

I want to grow veggies and feel absolutely frustrated about how to do it.
At one point, I wanted to grow veggies, but I am slowly learning that berries grow a bit better.

There are no nurseries and I have no one able to advise me. I'm just searching more and more for info.

Hopefully, today will yield some good results.

This blog entry has been viewed 173 times

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