We call it Sam samping in our province. I love the sweet taste of the fruit when cooked as ensalada. Yum!
Seemed like the second bird said it's my turn! Loved the video :)
What a view! I love the view from your sunroom I could stay there whole day.
That was really a very nice picture to share! :)
the Fascinating creature! It's good you have captured it on your camera. Nice shots!
They make wooden shoes really pretty!
Good thing they removed the sting immediately. Brave Girl with a great smile :)
I Will try this one!
Lovely blooms! The Lilies and Crocus were really pretty! I like that rose too.
I've grown mango from the seed. You can dry it for a 2 days and then just bury it under the soil and wait, and watering it everyday. I just saw...
Lol yeah they're like thief in the night. I have bought some bitter gourd seeds and will try again.
Squash Burgers? would love to see how it's done. Squash soup is yummy too not the ones I make but the one my friend does. Lol
Squirrels are cute! I hope to see one in my garden but we don't have one here.
KK, I lost my bitter gourd with an army of army worms! They didn't even tell me we're attacking I wanted to take some pics before they do so....
Those were very nice shots! I love butterflies too but they're hard to picture they keep flying away from me. lol
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