I own a small farm. No plots in our area. Everyone owns a small garden. Well most do. I enjoy reading about yours. If a farmer tills your...
Have a wonderful Birthday, Kay, an many more. bali
hummers can enjoy them all. I didnt know what I planted till it bloomed. Had it before. daa not my bag
Thanks eileen. Each ball will turn orange soon. Weird
leonotis leonurus or Lions tail. How tall will it grow? Planted by mistake an it took over. Thanks for looking. It is different. bali [img]
pj Yes I do , just a few for entertainment. My large ones didnt make it .. Just some white baby boos. Kay, YOu just hide an watch to see us...
Thanks PJK my first Halloween greeting for my Birthday. Lovin it all. I have 3 baby boo tiny pumpkins so far. Big oned died. Thanks for...
Who tills the soil for your lots? Debbie? For the price they should come tilled. ;o) bali
PS Frank, Why arent you showing us photos of sweden ? Flowers scenery , your home. That is intresting to see how the rest of the world lives....
I loved the show sjoerd. I have a birdbath which none of the birds use. Wonder if they want shade? Good job on that . more more more
That we have here also. I quit when the coons took over an was getting everyones chickens. The dang coon is a mean animal. It attacked a possum...
I cracked up. I didnt look to see where you were from. YOur right. they are funny to watch. I hated roosters chasing me . 5 or 6 is fun, but we...
Thanks netty, You can start now..:mrgreen: b
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