Thank You everyone. Its been a very busy holiday season here at the greenhouse, so now I should be able to check in more frequently as things slow...
Now out on DVD "Gnomes Gone Wild"
I was taught 'tatting' a long time ago (25yrs) in high school by an 'artist in residence' at our school. (She also taught us to quilt, and to...
I believe the thing you don't know in English might be 'tatting'. Its a type of lace making.
I've never seen a hedgehog either. They sure are cute. Do they do damage to a garden?
We used to eat frogs legs at a Mom and Pop's kinda restaurant when we lived in Florida. They were good, although different to look at on a plate....
Took me not 24 hours, but more than just a minute. :) very funny.
Hi Evelyn, Welcome from Delaware, USA. Honey bees and hummingbirds both like your feeders...its a common problem. There are honey bee guards you...
Good Morningtime everyone. A high of 88F, and chance of showers. We could use some water. I've (actually hubby) have only mowed the lawn 5 times...
Happy Happy Anniversary. 46 years of marriage...thats wonderful, and not often accomplished in this day and age.
Great looking site...looks like you really took your time in making it. Very informative.
Loverly garden and flowers, as always. That mirabilis is beautiful, I don't have it but maybe I should, the colors are so clear and brilliant....
A HOT one here in Delaware. We are to get to 97F, breaking a few records along the way. (105F for heat I wanted to hear that!) We...
Love it. You done so much work, and I've enjoyed your posting of the progress of the room. I agree plants would be nice (can anyone at this site...
You are an artist. That is so beautiful.
Separate names with a comma.