Thanks a lot for the info. I do believe it is couch grass and am planning on using glycophosphate to kill it. I read something about the...
Thankfully the size came out alright. The last few are pics of what the root looks like right before it goes into the ground and joins that nasty...
Pics [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] I apologize if these came out to big, I tried to resize them.
I live in NC, have tall fescue lawn, and all of a sudden this stuff started growing out of it!!!! It is a small 4x4 foot patch, and it grows...
From Raleigh, NC. Started growing about 3 weeks ago and is in about a patch of 5x5ft. in my turf fescue grass. First two are pics of what...
yellow nutsedge infestation I have only been living in this house for 9 months so I do not know how long I have had this problem. As far as the...
I am meticulously grooming my very first lawn through our first summer and all of a sudden this darn varment starts growing like crazy in my lawn....
Thats exactly what I thought, except it doesn't have the triangular stem. And how did it start growing EVERYWHERE so fast???? I will check the...
Pics [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img] [img]
Ok, here are the pics. Sorry the pics arent great it is hard to get a picture showing the discrepancy of height between the two grasses. I then...
I have a turf fescue lawn that has some grasses that grow almost twice as fast scattered throughout my back yard. It looks like grass but grows...
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