It looks like it could be a Smilax species, but not very sure about that. If it has thorns, it's probably a good chance though.
I don't think poison ivy either, but probably something out of the Fabaceae or Legume family.
Yea,I agree with Bradford Pear. I don't really like them because they are so fragile. A small gust of wind will break them apart. I will admit...
I don't think it's Paulownia. It kind of reminds me of Phytolacca americana.
My new Rinkneck Parakeet (Misty Jane) is doing really well. She can be grumpy at times, but mostly she is very nice. She doesn't like to be...
Yes, definitely a Sweetgum. The corky bark and 5 lobed leaves are clear indicators.
It's hard to tell how tall it is, but maybe Epilobium angustifolium (Fireweed), or a young Phytolacca americana (American Pokeweed).
I searched Astrantia and I think you might be right with Astrantia maxima. The bracts are larger than the other species like the ones on yours.
I think this might be some cultivar of a Trillium. I have never seen one with double flowers like that though.
Rusty residue may mean that they are either meteorites or a corroded type iron ore. I live in Georgia and we have tons of red clay, which means...
Thanks !!! Frank - I think that's what she was going for. She was trying to blend in so I couldn't find her, lol. Cayuga - She was hand fed....
Yes,I actually noticed that mine didn't get taller, but smaller than normal and bloomed sooner.. Still same amount of blooms though, just earlier...
So, I finally got my bird a couple of days ago. Her name is Misty Jane and she is a Blue Indian Ringneck Parakeet. She is 4 days from being 3...
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