It has been identified as American burnweed, Erechtites hieraciifolia. Mystery solved!
Sorry I don't know what it is, but it is not a strawberry.
If #14 is prickly lettuce (lactuca), it will have prickles on the underside of the midrib of the leaves. Otherwise, if no prickles, it might be...
Glad I happened to know it, and kind of ironic that I was actually trying to identify MY mystery weed (pics posted in another thread - hint,...
I actually think it's Lysimachia punctata, not Lysimachia vulgaris, and punctata is not an invasive species. Vulgaris is.
Mystery weed with short appressed hairs & thick purple s Below are some pictures of my mystery weed. It's just about a foot tall now with...
Well, let me know how it tastes. We have plenty of them here, just not that big. I am going to post my latest mystery weed but will start a new...
You're brave. I'm way too paranoid to eat anything I identify even if I'm pretty confident what it is.
Prickly lettuces are usually easy to ID (or eliminate) because of the prickles on the underside of the midribs of the leaves, which I didn't see...
It looks a lot like a sow thistle. We probably have different ones here in zone 6a than you have and I don't think they get that big here but...
Separate names with a comma.