managed to get one flower anyways . . . :-D [img] passion flower ( photo / image / picture from lukeypukey's Garden )
I'm really not sure, the yellow blotches only seem to be on the lower part of the plant. The lowest flower bud has recently turned yellow and fell...
Can't see no bugs around, had tons of caterpillars on other things but not this. Some of the foliage also has yellow blotches?? Only had it a few...
quite a few leaves are like these ??
[img] ( photo / image / picture from lukeypukey's Garden ) [img] ( photo / image / picture from lukeypukey's Garden )
Thrips?? I'll have to post a pic shortly. Can't do it from my phone
anyone have any ideas as to why my passion flower leaves mostly come out mishaped and sometimes all folded up??? :-?
Thank you all . . I'll get them in when I arrive home from work tonight :)
Just gathered all my allium seeds now they've dried and split. Just wondered if these can be sown now?? and how this should be done???
that was fast!! think your spot on too palustris . . . thank you very much :-D
[img] ( photo / image / picture from lukeypukey's Garden ) [img] ( photo / image / picture from lukeypukey's Garden )...
I maybe could of waited to see what happened with it, but it had no place in my little chilli pot. I assumed it was a clover also, so I dumped it :-D
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