[ATTACH] Newest book out on Amazon. https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0DWMPRCQC/ I say newest, I actually wrote this story over 40 years ago, but...
15 years old twins. They are together like that at the moment, too. For how long? If you look closely at the middle of the back of the one on the...
These are our winter inside cats. Bill and Ben. Looks very friendly, yes? Two minutes later they were fighting! [ATTACH]
Our three are doing the same. Don't blame them either. We have one who plays 'knock and run' in the night. She pushes open the bedroom door which...
And all the best from me too.
Pleased that he is ok. Normally the first chew of any Aroid is enough to stop an animal eating any more. Determined if he managed more than that.
I presume you have looked at a site like this one? https://wagwalking.com/condition/philodendron-poisoning
Oh dear. I am so sorry. We lost our son in law recently, to the same thing, so I know how much of a shock it is.
Two books at the same time. This is getting silly. Actually, the Ragdoll was due out in July, but things got in the way. This one was for now....
So here he goes again. https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B0DNXPV9RP
Been there, done that. We found our hens at the top of a 60 foot tall tree after a fox visit. Our ducks left home and never came back. We saw them...
Same as boiling a kettle when we mean boiling the water.
It is all to do with definitions. A berry, in botany, a simple fleshy fruit that usually has many seeds, such as the banana, grape, melon, orange,...
Well, I always said that I had to have somewhere to play. Thanks.
Separate names with a comma.