Just dropping in quickly to wish everyone a very merry, happy, healthy and safe christmas. May all our member be safe in some of the winteriest...
It's gonna be a long winter if this is all thats in my garden.
I LOVE it! thank you for giving me such a good chuckle this morning, sounds very much like christmas in our neck of the woods, our family has...
Last I heard early this morning was the flood waters were receding and they are doing safety checks on the bridges and houses around the areas...
Grow your own cats, quick germination, please read care instructions.
I cant believe that an hours drive away from us has 8 and a half foot of water in the village ( Cockermouth) we are so lucky here in Blackpool and...
Bless him, he is adorable but as you say its better to have him 'fixed', its so hard watching those sad little faces looking at you as though to...
Thanks everyone, I lost a couple at the very start to root rot, it is a problem with orchids and so easy to cause. I would love some hardy orchids...
You make my heart sing!
That is the most amazing scenery, I love it, but I am not so sure I would like that road right on the cliff edge, your a brave person! Your photos...
Thank you everyone, I love my orchids and its always great when they bloom, I am shocked they're all still alive as I always had what I called a...
[img] oncidium ornithorhynchun ( photo / image / picture from playtime8978's Garden ) This is a very pretty miniature orchid abour 3.5-4...
Your butterflies are beautiful Glendann, I love the patterns on their wings and the colours you have in them.
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