transplanted pepper seedlings into individual containers. began putting plants into my strawbales. i found out two things... the bales have...
yesterday we laid out 15 bales of straw in rows of 5 each. The next step is to condition the bales by jump starting the composting process. they...
i will do the same this week.
i had 15 Straw Bales delivered for an experiment with strawbale gardening this season. i will garden as i have been for the majority of the plot,...
two full hours of weeding an okra patch i forgot to mulch. dangit. i spread more manure/straw mixture around last of the squash plants. we have...
wow. my garden is growing crazy fast. i just picked (3rd or 4th) a collander full of snow peas. i have two cherokee purple tomatoes on the...
Been busy this weekend. Yesterday, mom and i mulched 4"-5" deep around all our tomato plants (about 90). Today was devoted to our container...
got cucumber seeds in the ground tonight! zucchini and carnival squash for the weekend and i will start to put in the pepper plants that will...
today i will till one more time the areas not yet planted. i will plant chinese green noodle bean, rattlesnake pole bean, and purple podded pole...
got a lot done yesterday and today. yesterday evening and this morning my mother and i put three rows of tomato plants in. two plants per hole,...
haven't done it yet, but the seedlings go in today and tomorrow! i will transplant from container to ground this week. we have too many...
i got my tiller back from the small engine repair in working order, so i tilled about 60% of the garden - turning under all the straw/horse manure...
I use the heck out of it. it has helped supress weeds more than any other technique by a long shot. i mulch 4-6 inches deep with leaf litter,...
i planted seedlings from mid february to mid march. so far i have Serrano; Cayenne; Purple Cayenne; Rooster Spur (i am a gamecock fan);...
Donna, my wife feels the same way about squirrels. cats love to eat them we have found. as long as you dont mind seeing some squirrel parts here...
Separate names with a comma.