growing hollyhocks Your best to grow them from seed, but they take 2 or even 3 years to get tall flowers, also they are prone to rust. i think...
A wildlife garden pond is a must to bring wildlife to your garden, in mine i have newts, frogs, and toads. you'll bring all kinds of instects all...
THE ORNAMENTAL KITCHEN GARDEN 1990 BBC BOOKS great book on growing veg and flowers together. GEOFF HAMILTON'S COTTAGE GARDENS 1995 BBC BOOKS...
pruning butterfly bush Cut back in February to 1/3 and take some cutting from the prunnings, stick them in the ground and they'll root, use thick...
pathway material what about using Pea shingle, its attractive and cheap. Anthony E
here's a few plants idea's you'll need to create a Cottage Garden. English Roses are a must,here's a link
Abbot Ale at the moment, and Ruddles best and its only £1.29 in my local pub :)
I have a cottage style garden(i'll be uploading some pics soon) when i get them from the other computer.
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