Thanks! I'll have to hunt it down and try it. I think it should be safe enough - it's just iron dissolved in an acid... I guess the little menace...
Have you tried other herbicides? I'm thinking of some of the common lawn broadleaf stuff that isn't too nasty. Trimec or turflon ester. I have...
So now I'm almost two-months away from when I mulched and put down paper, and the little buggers are back. But this year, they are not as healthy....
Still fighting the good fight. I manually pulled out any shoots and hit it with Roundup whenever there was a clear shot. It kept coming, but...
LOL, well it has altered my original plans, that is for sure. It's a little "island" bed under a hemlock. We bought the house 2 years ago, and...
Yeah, the magic Google term to find it was "arisaema weed" and the hint from eileen about the related plant "Jack in the pulpit". That led to...
Very helpful! Thanks! Could this be "crowdipper"? That's Pinellia ternata. Googling seems to show pictures that are quite similar, and some links...
[img] Leaves ( photo / image / picture from Yardening's Garden ) [img] Weed "Flower" ( photo / image / picture from Yardening's...
Pro-tip: Oxeye daisies are very tolerant to mowing :) I also like to let the violets grow anywhere that there isn't grass. I mulch right over...
Oh, I think we have a winner! Thanks a bunch... it's officially a "weed"! It seems to be related to bellflowers, so maybe I'm a candidate for some...
There are some Veronica that have a similar growth pattern, but I don't think any have five-petaled flowers. My original pictures are pretty bad...
It doesn't seem to be anything "creeping", since despite the angle in the pictures it stands straight up. It's about a foot tall at present. I...
This "weed" showed up in my perennial bed, and I found it's foliage intriguing enough to let it go. And now it's making little purple flowers...
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