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toni's Garden
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Comment Added (Aug 17 2021)
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465706 times
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Texas (Dallas County)
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"FRED the Garden"
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About This Garden
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What's Happening in your Garden?
Almost Spring, I think todays snow is the last Winter we will be seeing. I really love Winter but there are things to do in the garden so I guess it's time to change seasons.
Plants Added To This Garden
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Tecoma capensis
(Cape Honeysuckle)
Lagenaria siceraria
Hibiscus acetosella
'Red Shield'
(Red Leaf Hibicus, False Roselle)
Gibasis geniculata
(Tahitian Bridalveil)
Hibiscus acetosella
Ampelopsis arborea
Delosperma cooperi
'Eye Candy'
(Ice Plant)
Lantana montevidensis
(Weeping Lantana, Trailing Lantana)
(Dragon Wing Begonia)
Helichrysum thianschanicum
(Licorice Plant)
Saponaria ocymoides
(Rock Soapwort)
Lamiastrum galeobdoblon
'Herman's Pride'
(Deadnettle, Variegated Yellow Archangel)
'Wide Brim'
Crocus chrysanthus ‘Orange Monarch’
Coleonema pulchellum
(Pink Breath of Heaven)
Lavandula multifida
(Fernleaf Lavender, Spanish Eyes)
(Triandrus Daffodil )
Hedera helix
'Kings Choice'
Crassula ovata
'Ripple Jade'
Lycopersicon lycopersicum
'Black Cherry'
(Cherry Tomato)
Acanthocereus tetragonus
'Fairy Castles'
(Barbed-wire Cactus, Chaco)
Cyperus involucratus
(Dwarf Papyrus, Umbrella Sedge)
Hypericum kalmianum
'Blue Velvet'
(St. Johnswort)
Callicarpa americana
(American Beautyberry, French Mulberry)
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