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Romain Lettuce
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Plants and flowers
in KK Ng's Garden

Sweet Corn
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in KK Ng's Garden

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in Senaka Athukorala's Garden

Cayenne Shili
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Plants and flowers
in KK Ng's Garden

Sweet Corn
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Mini Farm
in KK Ng's Garden

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in Netty's Garden

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in Netty's Garden

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in Netty's Garden

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in Netty's Garden

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in Netty's Garden

      What's Happening in Gardens?
"Sweet Corns"
in KK Ng's Garden

"Gardens are buried under 3' of snow!"
in Netty's Garden

"The abscission of leaves has stopped. We now await snow crystals."
in Jerry Sullivan's Garden

"This place is a Primordial Black Hole. I have four plants left. "
in xantedeschia's Garden

"Fall is coming"
in Lillium_Lover's Garden

"Everyone is up and settled under the lights. Third year of starting seeds instead of buying transplants - can't believe how much I've learned and still have to learn."
in Melody Mc.'s Garden

"We have snow and frost. All plants are asleep."
in Droopy's Garden

"Straw Bale Gardening this Year!!!"
in hummerbum's Garden

"Coriander and tomato thriving and growing :)"
in Namita Usha's Garden

"All depends on what time of year it is. "
in Tooty2shoes's Garden

Recently Updated Gardens
KK Ng's Garden
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 Senaka Athukorala's Garden
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 Terri Rayburn's Garden
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Netty's Garden
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Sjoerd's Garden
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 Planty's Garden
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 jennifer Bryerton's Garden
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 mrwatson's Garden
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Tina's Garden
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Jerry Sullivan's Garden
'what's happening' updated

Most Viewed Gardens
cherylad's Garden
Jewell's Garden
KK Ng's Garden
Sherry8's Garden
toni's Garden
Kildale's Garden
waretrop's Garden
Jerry Sullivan's Garden
 Donna S's Garden
Netty's Garden
      Recent Garden Comments
  Frank wrote in Netty's garden

  Netty wrote in their own garden
My first ever harvest of strawberries!

Barbh53 wrote in Tina's garden
The hollyhock plant is diseased from rotting foliage left on it that was diseased or mulch. You can use a solution of 1/2 dawn dish liquid and 1/2 water on the underside of the leaf. Do it early in the morning or later in the evening before the sun hits it. You can repeat process every 3-4 days. If it doesn't clear up invest in a earth safe insecticide.

Paula Johnson wrote in chocolate's garden
How Get this plant to grow from scratch? I would like to cath for myself is there a seed in it? Awaiting your response. I have it in my back yard and would like to grow it on another side of my fence.

Aongking_jason wrote in their own garden
Aongking create

  Bernieh wrote in Netty's garden
Love this little corner of your garden.

Anastazya wrote in their own garden
Summer garden

  Jewell wrote in Lilthisnthat's garden
Gosh, that certainly looks like my Maria aglaonema. I love Chinese evergreens and have several varieties. Lovely plant. House plants are so much fun.

  Sjoerd wrote in Sherry8's garden
This is stunning. You have som lovely flowers there.

Lilthisnthat wrote in their own garden
Could never resist the urge to plant seeds from various fruits. These sprouted pretty quickly.

Lilthisnthat wrote in their own garden
Raised it from a tiny thrilled to see it blooming.

Lilthisnthat wrote in their own garden
Just really enjoying new blooms this year..and finding them exciting.

Melody Mc. wrote in their own garden
Progress is happening :-)

  AAnightowl wrote in their own garden
One of the persimmon trees that got by me actually had a few very small persimmons last fall. Maybe next year it will have a lot more? My big persimmon tree was a male tree, and I thought all of its offspring would be males.

Melody Mc. wrote in their own garden
Imperial Star and Green Globe artichokes are up. I've only grown Imperial Star before. It was an especially hot summer last year, so some things did better than most times. I'm excited to see what grows this year,and what protests. :-)

  Frank wrote in KK Ng's garden
Sweet memories of Malaysia!

  Frank wrote in KK Ng's garden
Looks very tasty KK!

Denisac wrote in Netty's garden
That's gorgeous, so quirky, love it!

jag wrote in toni's garden
Abutilon indicum

camospy777 wrote in spector's garden
Wow! I saw that on animal planet one time