Okay i wasn't sure where to put this, its not a pet, and deffinatly not in a garden,,lol. but watch the live stream and you can see the momma...
I am very happy to be back also Bunkie! I will gladly send snow to anyone who wants it!! lol. No fair Droopy! You have temps over the...
Ohh poor you! I do honestly mean that. Been there, and had same reaction. your poor trees and i know the beauty that is lost is one that will...
Thank you! As soon as i can find the cable to the camera,,lol,,,i promise i will show the rugs. Little house, things get put away, and ooops,...
Hi All!! * one huge group hug * I am glad to be back! Believe me. I have been very busy here in the south of Norway, but compared to the...
Hi Crystalblue! Yes ofcourse you can grow lettuce indoors. Indoors meaning house. I have grown done it and probaly will be doing the same again...
Not a one! Snow up to the middle of the windows in hight, having to dig out a path just to get into the house,,lol,,,and that was after digging...
aloe vera is great for burns inside and out of the body. like Toni said *waves to Toni* it is great for the digestive system. It makes a great...
Oi it has been a while,,but hello all and i am baaa-aack. Yes the bad girl of the Stew. *** Waves to everyone hello *** who needs some...
*puts order in for 6 dozen onions when grown and dried for the comming year* :wink: *** waves to sjoerd ***
Picture it: I am so happy and just rolling around all those dandelions, with pollen flying everywhere. Eating to my hearts content. lol. Okay...
We passed thru Lillehammer a few yrs back and all i could do is stare at how beautiful it was passing there. lucky you to see it again so soon...
When i lived up north in the Arctic,,ice was my biggest pest,,,only a sledge hammer worked. Living in the south i am going crazy with slugs and...
Welcome Home Droopy!! Glad you had a great time,,and can't wait to see the adventure. Beautiful part of the country.
Wow!! thats a heck of a school grounds. I would probably fail school from all the daydreaming and looking at the flowers. Very nice!!
That is such a beautiful deep deep red! Ohh i do like that. Very nice!
Happy Late Anniversary you 2. Have a great weekend and enjoy each others company for many more years to come!!
Wow!! Those are beautiful and so full. I have a lilac tree here and its in full bloom also, and the best part is bringing some into the house...
I don't think i have ever seen the red ones. I like that better than the green. Thanks for sharing!
ohhh man i remember the smell of mimosa. So so sweet, until its ready to die,,lol. I used to just stand under mine with a cup of coffee and just...
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