[IMG] I brought a cake along for you, have a very happy birthday KK.
Zigs showed me how to make wine out of the flower heads Frank. I'm sure he'd give you the recipe if you ask him nicely :rolleyes:
I think the rhubarb we had today with home made yoghurt was Timpali early, and I only had to add one spoonful of sugar. It was sweet! and lovely!
This kind of project will be even more important for people worldwide as the food shortage is made worse through the imposed global climate change...
I know Clay, I just wish a few more would open their eyes and realise this. It worries me hugely, but you can lead the horse to water........
Wanna go home Elliot
I am full of admiration for the way your country recognises the need for people to be able to grow their food - especially in the present global...
Many happy..... [MEDIA] returns of the day Logan.
Netty, it IS ok to talk about this, and it is posted in the ''not necessarily gardening'' bit. Not only that, but I did put it past Frank first,...
I went off to find a bag of very mouldy tomatoes, and a few rotten eggs !!! At least it may have caused a smile. Thanks:scheming:
[MEDIA] This link will take you to Glastonbury, which is a fairly well heard of place I think. They always put their council news into the...
To add to the mix, I take my hat off to the Dutch farmers who won their cause!! [ATTACH]
Didn't have a clue, but he always got a superb crop. He started to teach me about gardening just after I learned to walk! As I couldn't come up...
My grandfather used to soak his peas in paraffin. The mice didn't fancy eating them then!
:setc_063: Heavy lifting is not a good idea for us oldies you know. Little and often is the way to go. Wheels are a better plan. [IMG]
That is aambeien wort in Holland I think ?:nerdy:
Such a valuable gift for a child, to be encouraged to make things grow. You do well Clay!
Our best thoughts are something in the weasel family. We have those here - magic to watch, especially when the families happen. The little ones...
They don't call him Reverend Zigs for nothing :rolleyes:
OK,now what was it you said about ''not bad for a fat girl'' ??
Separate names with a comma.