:wave:Hello Grumps, what do you grow? Have you got lots of land to plant up? Big welcome to the forum.
Ha ha Sjoerd, I'll see if I can find you one.
Who is a clever girl then :like: Well done, lovely shot Logan.
Thanks folks. We can all ''have a go @Zigs now can't we in the new caption competition - now that he's in the pillory :smt077
I think you need some assistance there pal, I found this for you on ebay..... [ATTACH]
:setf_016:Well done Mrs KK ng - a super bit of photography.
Don't you think plastic plants defeat the whole concept of gardening? Not only that plastic can look awful when it's been stuck out in the sun...
I do like to see a nice tidy bit of sod! I cut all round my beds out front recently, and when I stood back to look at my efforts, they were very...
:( It was too cloudy here.
Looks rather like she went to Boris's parties. I wonder if she has salad once a week :suspicious:
Clay, encouraging your little girl to play a part in growing plants is, in my book, one of the best gifts you can give her. In today's world,...
I nose about these things.
Mel, those photos were brilliant to see. I think we may have some to come, but I don't reckon on it being anything like that, thank goodness....
[IMG] Logan, is this the turnip pusher you meant? She doesn't look like a tomato fan to me, just an ordinary British MP.
To add a bit of red in the salad Logan you could always slice up some peppers and radishes. We'll have to get used to not taking it for granted...
Estimates of numbers of edible insect species consumed globally range from 1,000 to 2,000. These species include 235 butterflies and moths, 344...
@Daniel W you have a very good point! We always carry stock of canned tomatoes anyway and passata. This is a must as a base for so many sauces...
Logan, marmalade braised turnips are very tasty. You'll need a good splash of oil, and some butter (about 50g) a dozen or so baby onions or...
Yep, it's cyclone season in that part of the world. My daughter & son in law were on a cruise. They were supposed to visit some islands on their...
Going ''Down Under'' here is a recent update on the change in sea levels there. It IS just a tiny bit sarcastic. :D [MEDIA]
Separate names with a comma.