I think it's good to have a debate about it too SH :) I agree AA that things get taken down if it doesn't fit the agenda:worried: It's hard to...
Happy Birthday Frank :) [ATTACH]
Fear is what they're using to control and tax us.
Sorry to hear that Pac. You've seen the results of weather that happens all the time, has done for millennia and will do for eons more. I...
Looks like a scene from "Day After Tomorrow" :eek: As we've not experienced storms like that it must seem like something Biblical going on, but...
Grune thread Here [ATTACH]
Your wish is my command Madam :D
I've contacted the local newspaper about it, got to start somewhere :)
Thank you Logan and Pac :) Things that shouldn't be moving have been moving about :eek::eek::eek: [MEDIA] [ATTACH]
Happy Birthday Tetters :):):) [ATTACH]
Thank you good people :) Our handy planters are starting to flower [ATTACH] Tetters got us the mold for Christmas :)
It is a lovely one Pac :) Owcho's baby flowered today... [ATTACH] And so did Owcho's new friend :) [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
It looked much clearer Logan, maybe the light was better :)
More flowers :) [ATTACH] Have you got a new camera @Logan ?:)
Cheers Pac :) The Eriosyce senilis is flowering now too :) [ATTACH]
Cheers Pac, Logan and Jewell :) Been doing some Tubercle cuttings :) [MEDIA] The Peanut Cacti are coming into flower now too :) [ATTACH]
May's thread here Medlar Blossom :) [ATTACH]
Ta good people :) Won a first prize at the cactus show yesterday :cool: [ATTACH] [MEDIA] [MEDIA]
Separate names with a comma.