Brilliant shots Mel :):):) We looked out just after sunset and saw Jupiter and Venus very close to the setting sun. They were very close...
February's thread here [ATTACH]
I like the sign Mr Mechanic :) I got knocked out by a Gargoyle at work once :rolleyes: One of the hazards of working on medieval churches :setf_008:
Today's lunch.... [ATTACH] Followed by pudding... [ATTACH]
That made I laugh @Doghouse Riley :D England - "Hello, we would like to order some vegetables please" France - "Ahm sorrey, we've had some bad...
You'll have to paint stripes on the hardy one Droopy :) Here's a bonsai yucca that's 4 years old now. I keep it in a small pot and never feed it...
Thank you. Adore the variegated I had one like that ..I’m afraid a couple snowy winters did it in… They are quite showy in any garden. Hard to...
Cheers Logan :) We've still got 3 or 4 jars of dried tomatoes left from lockdown year. These need soaking before lobbing in things :)
This is true Logan :eek: We haven't been growing so much in the past year as we've been busy with other projects but what we did grow last year...
That's why I'm growing Turnips for her this year :)
Forgot the pesto :setf_049::setf_049::setf_049::crying:
Grate 2 turnips and gently fry in a little olive oil with garlic, onions and sea salt and cracked black pepper. When softened, spread over a...
Most of the Netherlands is low lying land reclaimed from the sea in the first place. Don't think anywhere is sinking any more than the usual up...
Here's that Varigated Euphorbia with the outside one @Droopy :) [ATTACH]
Nice one Pac :)
"Comes out of the Virginia swamps Cool and slow with plenty of precision With a back beat narrow and hard to master Some call it heavenly in its...
An Aeonium :) [ATTACH] Monty keeps these outside his potting shed in the summer.
Glad you liked it Pac :) Never published a full length cartoon story before :) He's ok now Logan, Tetters has knitted him a new shirt and...
Lovely Droopy :) Had an Echeveria go off this morning, c.v. bombycina :) [ATTACH]
Grump Bear got upset with all the new cactus helpers :( [MEDIA]
Separate names with a comma.