Oh my gosh, poor dooley! So sorry about your mishap. I'm sending you lots of feel better wishes and a very, very gentle hug. [IMG]
[IMG] I'm taking Coleus cuttings now to hold over for garden bed filler next year.
Thank you, Netty, :) Hope that appt goes well today, Frank. :dislike: It's still raining here :rolleyes: - but we're lucky, that this is not...
Wow, that IS stunning! :smt045 And the view from your deck is fab, too!
Thanks Toni, all good wishes most gratefully received. :) And my hope for you is that you get at least a bit of that comfy, cooling air flow.
Presently, it is extremely overcast with spates of rain. Our "gardening" duties today consist of foul weather preparations - we're getting things...
Wow! You are sure off to a great start with your flower gardening. :like:
A very handsome young man - he looks ready for adventure!
Hi all, :smt039 Sunny morning here, warm (78°F) and very humid after several days of rain showers - more rain in the forecast, so need to make the...
Aww, :smt057 That's a terrific love story, Ronni. He's a cutie. :like: It's those "not my type" fellows who can really sneak in and steal your...
OOOh, Good hunting! :D A real FEAST of "junk-ly" delights!! I love them all, especially that scrolly cast iron fragment.
Green with envy - wanted to see it sooo badly - but if I had stepped out and turned my head up last night, I might have drowned![IMG] Finally...
Welcome back :wave: from another "returnee".
Remind me - how close can I park to a hydrant without getting a ticket?
Hello, and warm greetings . :flower:
Thanks Netty, Donna and 2ofus, I'm very glad you like, and I feel honored for anyone to grab an idea and run with it. :D Netty, :like: yes, that...
:smt041 Good one!
:) What fun to peruse this thread! So much creativity - I hope that some of you won't mind if I "borrow" your clever ideas? Here are a few...
Thank you.
Hi, thanks very much for your nice comment. :) I am a bit of a ginger "fiend", maybe you are too?
Separate names with a comma.