Currently Partly Cloudy 36°F 2°C Humidity 81% Wind Speed W 16 mph Barometer 30.14 in Dewpoint 30°F (-1°C) Visibility 7.00 mi Wind Chill 26°F (-3°C)
A real life Johnny Appleseed
@Daniel W someone gifted me an oxalis last summer. Beautiful plant doing very well for me.
Woke up to a few inches of snow. Shoveled. Daughter has a 2-hour delay for school. So going in late to work - the coworkers will have to manage....
Woke up this morning to 3 inches of the white stuff. @Pacnorwest the forecast tells what a roller coaster the weather is here. Currently: Fog/Mist...
@Pacnorwest yeah we have had some bone chilling cold weather but suppose to warm up a bit next week and the "experts" say we should a milder...
Made Beef Stew in the crockpot the other night
My weather is BRRRRRRRRRRRRRR !!!!!!!!!! Currently Clear 14°F 10°C Humidity 92% Wind Speed Calm Barometer 30.93 in Dewpoint 12°F (-11°C)...
Currently Mostly Cloudy/Light Rain 45°F 7°C Humidity 71% Wind Speed SE 7 mph Barometer 30.01 in. Dewpoint 36°F (2°C) Visibility 10.00 mi Wind...
Currently Clear 27°F -3°C Humidity 80% Wind Speed W 5 mph Barometer 30.21 in Dewpoint 21°F (-6°C) Visibility 10.00 mi Wind Chill 21°F (-6°C) with...
@Oreti I started doing the family research (through I am to the late 1700's. My moms side did it back in the 1980's and the story...
Right now afternoon it is currently Mostly Cloudy 34°F 1°C Wind Chill 25°F (-4°C) West wind around 10 mph, with gusts as high as 23 mph Tonight...
Update as of Thursday they were 90% contained then we got a bunch of rain and snow yesterday. I haven't read of anyone losing their home but...
Once again the weatherman got it wrong called for much needed rain yesterday. Yes we got we got some rain but then a nice amount of the white...
So sad so much destruction but nature will bounce back....
Welcome to the stew.
Overcast 39°F 4°C Humidity 93% Wind Speed Vrbl 3 mph Barometer 30.46 in Dewpoint 37°F (3°C) Visibility 10.00 m Today A 30 percent chance of...
Very funny
I use paper coffee filters.
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