Welcome to GardenStew.. My youngest daughter's middle name is Éowyn does that count?
14 is a difficult age for boys and girls...they are trying to get out from under the rule of parents and adults in general, trying to prove that...
I use Calendula cream for poison ivy. Over the counter in any grocery store
I am canning laughter so that as this wretched summer bears down on me I can open one every so often and forget the heat and drought.
That's one of the reasons my husband won't set foot in my gardens... fear of the gardener!!
Yep, I see a craft project happening today. After this heat and drought event I will need one or two of the "Not dead yet", several "Dead Plant"...
Of course I heard something out there, these ears aren't big for nothing.
I remember him, he was one of my Mom's favorites in the early 50's no records but the radio stations played a lot of his music.
I have looked at the garden through a door or window but with the temps going into the 101 to 105 deg range the next few days and possibly longer,...
The beginning of a heat wave here..our high temperatures should be hovering around 101f to 105f the next week or so and the overnight temps will...
A photo is always better than a description. ;) Also a little info about your garden location...sunny, shade, always damp, dry as a bone...etc.
So do you have a favorite way of wishing for rain??? I need to change my tactics when it comes to that...we get the dark clouds and off in the...
There are several types of Hollyhock.... Alcea rosea (Hollyhock) Malva sylvestris 'Mystic Merlin' (Mallow, French Hollyhock) Alcea rosea var....
Yep Red Aphids....no need to worry about them. They attract beneficial insects to the garden who eat them and pollinate other plants
Also known as St. John's Wort
I agree with Sjoerd... Monkey grass is a low growing mound with no purple leaves..
If it won't move but should, use WD40 If it moves but shouldn't, use Duct Tape.
We have a central air condition and heat system for the whole house and a window unit in each bedroom for night time use. Did I mention that for...
Only way to get things done and done correctly.:rolleyes:
Separate names with a comma.