KK, fresh corn will have too high a water content to make good cornbread. I'd stick with using cornmeal and flour, along with a bit of salt, a...
Sjoerd, princess? Timi prefers the title of "queen" and/or "your highness." That fabric is striking. I'd never heard of that process of weaving...
[ATTACH] It's been rather cold lately, and Timi has decided to spend her day, and most of the night indoors. One of her (many) daytime spots is...
At this point if I'm captured by aliens, I'll consider it a rescue mission rather than an abduction.
Well, it's "coronation day" here in the USA. I plan to keep the TV news off, not watch the all day long coverage, and hunker in the kitchen and do...
[ATTACH] Sometimes it's worth getting up in the morning when the dawn sky looks like this!
Thank you all for your kind comments. I passed them on to my husband, the photographer in the family.
At my age, I've seen it all heard it all, done it all. I just can't remember it all. Whoever put the "s" in fast food is a marketing genius!
[ATTACH] We have so many cardinals this time of year! They are not migratory, but "staygratory" and they clean out the bird feeders daily, with a...
Netty, I'm sure your neighbors were only too happy to help you out. Neighbors like you are hard to find. It's not as chilly today, but it's quite...
I love board games. My favorite is to put meat and cheese on a board, along with some crackers and olives, and let the games begin!
Good chilly morning to you all! Our local weather forecasters are having a field day, trying to scare the daylights out of everyone. Night...
Why do eggs come in flimsy cardboard or styrofoam cartons, and batteries come in a package it takes a hacksaw to open?
Daniel, if I posted it, I don't remember. Reference #5.
I will not fall for the pretty pictures and grandiloquent descriptions in seed catalogs and over buy and then over plant. It will take at least a...
Just heard the king of Spain has been quarantined on his private jet.That means the reign of Spain stays mainly on the plane.
Netty, it sounds as if you are going to have a lovely time with family. Congratulations on the soon to arrive grandbaby! Moose roast? I must ask...
56 degrees now, with a high of 65 predicted. I'm doing some prep for Christmas Eve dinner in this spring-like weather. I baked Christmas cookies...
And from our home to yours, Merry Christmas![ATTACH]
And in honor of the season: What does a gingerbread man use when he breaks a leg? A candy cane! A Viking called Rudolph the Red looked out the...
Separate names with a comma.