Timi is a born and bred Texas cat. She has never seen snow, hates high wind, and does not like colder weather (any below 50 degrees). She loves...
Every time I try to eat healthy, along comes Christmas, Easter, summer, Thanksgiving, or Tuesday and it ruins it for me.
Since it is overcast and blustery (gentle Texas zephyrs of 30 mph) we aren't doing much outside! I'm making the cranberry chutney for Thanksgiving...
Oh my, we ought to copy your Sinterklaas tradition! That sure beats an old man in a red suit coming down the chimney. The whole tradition, the...
I've made loaves of cranberry orange nut bread, pumpkin nut bread, and apple nut bread. All turned out well, to my great relief! This coming week...
I've reached the age where "I probably shouldn't say that" has become "What the heck, let's see what happens."
KKNG, you have found the happiness that comes from doing something good for others. I'm sure your plants will thrive, sell in a minute, and gives...
Dogs lick us because there are bones inside humans, and they want bones.
Ingenuity prevails! We traded five pounds of almonds (in shell) for an equal amount of pecans. We didn't mention what a pain shelling almonds is....
Pacnorwest, I showed your photo to my husband, the photographer in the family. He said the composition, angle, and subject matter were so very...
Remember when I posted about having too much basil, too many cherry tomatoes? Well, now we are inundated with almonds. Our two almond trees are...
I can't believe we used to just answer the phone when it rang. No caller ID,we just picked up the phone and said "hello" like a daredevil.
In honor of Halloween: How many witches does it take to change a light bulb? Witch: Into what?
Like Daniel, we are having rain. Unlike Daniel, we are elated about it! The latest report (yesterday) from AgriLife said that fall crops have been...
Ghosts are just people who died trying to fold a fitted sheet.
When one door closes and another door opens, you are probably in prison. 2. To me, "drink responsibly" means don't spill it. 3. Age 60 might be...
The house windows are open! It is cool enough in the mornings to open up the house and enjoy the breezes. In the north, we hoped for the...
I feel so sorry for people without pets. Pets are a source of joy, comfort, and entertainment. There is nothing better than a furry cuddle when...
Bread is like the sun--it rises in the yeast and sets in the waist. (I know from experience . . . .)
Many people are confused about the concept of "cat years". Here's a guide: 1-3 years: just a little baby 3-6 years: just a little baby 6-9 years:...
Separate names with a comma.