Well finally it has stopped raining! It rained most of the day yesterday--torrents, not a gentle rain. And we have electricity! Starting Wednesday...
As a friend told me: I don't date anymore. I just foster people until they find their forever home.
Sojerd's bride is brilliant! Living with Sojerd makes you inventive and resilient, it seems!
Thank you all for your concern--it helps ease the pain. We found raised beds become swimming pools, and ground-level gardens become mud puddles....
There are two ways to argue with a woman. Neither one works.
With all the rain we've been having, our red-eared slider turtles are moving up into the yard. Flooded out in the pond? Here is one mama turtle...
Don't aggravate old people. The older we get the less "life in prison" is a deterrent.
Sjoerd, I haven't considered soil bags since now I'd just have a bag of rainwater! I fear the potatoes are rotting in the ground with all that...
With the frequent torrential rains and high winds, most of our vegetable garden is gone. The second planting of lettuce--washed out. All but four...
I'm back! The study is almost complete, but enough is done that we can set up the computer and I can enjoy Garden Stew again! We have had so much...
In honor of the Kentucky Derby: 100 years ago everyone had a horse, but only the rich had a car. Now, everyone has a car, but only the rich have...
Good morning, all! We are doing some room painting so today will be removing furniture and doing prep work. Since our study is on the "paint list"...
Be careful when you follow the masses. Sometimes the "m" is silent.
Another wet day! We had nearly 5" of rain Sunday, but yesterday things dried out a bit. Now it's drizzling and damp. With all this wet weather I'm...
When I worked at a local library, the library director was all excited because the card catalog was being computerized and the card catalog thrown...
Netty, enjoy your up-potting! Seeing things grow is such a joy. Today is a "puttering" day. I will harvest some thyme and hang it to dry, do some...
We have temperatures in the low 70s and a light drizzle all morning. Not much work outside--just a bit of fruit tree pruning and mulch spreading....
Separate names with a comma.