S-H we have not seen the Thrasher for over a month now. Not sure if it just moved on, or something happened to it. Dianne---that is a beautiful...
Eileen, I am praying that he survives until spring. I am doing everything I can to help this bird. So far so good. He's been at the feeder 4 times...
Two weeks ago or so we had a Brown Thrasher show up under our suet feeders. He was eating some sunflower seeds and whatever suet the woodpeckers...
Carolyn it would be fun to raise some pheasants. Several years ago we had a really tame wild male grouse. When we would go for a walk in the woods...
Yes the deer are very curious. We live out in the country, and 3 of our neighbors hunt deer. They only shoot the bucks, so the does are safe. But...
We have a trail cam that catches our local night life on it. The deer are so curious about the camera and love having their pics taken. Here is a...
Carolyn we had the same thing happen with a tame male pheasant. He showed up in the fall and would eat the sunflower seeds I put out under a tree...
Yes it is a bulb from last year. I did fertilize it in the spring. But not through out the summer.
I save my double begonia blubs from year to year. This year I had one of them blossom really strangely. Not sure why. They were really interesting...
That was a great caption dog gone it. :setf_016::setc_005::sete_005:
I just had to share this beautiful buck that our trail cam shot the other night. We have a wild apple tree in our pasture that is a deer magnet....
Oh my gosh I love Possums. Last fall we had a little white possum show up under our sunflower feeder. So cute and it had black ears and black...
Thanks all. I had never seen a albino bird of any sort until this one showed up. It was only at my feeders for a few days and then gone....
When I looked out our front window to see who was having a birdseed snack a week ago. This is what I saw and ran for my camera. It's a little out...
Jerry that was a good one. A bit fishy though. :setf_016::setc_005:
So cute and smart.
Hey bird brain. Stop smiling and catch me a fish already.
Jerry that was a great caption. Congrats :setf_016::smt038
Wow they are beautiful. We've seen quite a few Monarch's this year and a few Swallow tails. We have had an explosion of Dragon flies. They are so...
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