Kk..even the little cheap ones that don't take up much space..the ones people use to start seeds. im talking $35 ish. Most come with openings...
Thanks, Eileen. Thank God I was home..i stopped them before they could do any damage...i really busted through that patio door. I've had a small...
Boy I would be so upset!!! My goodness Markm I sure hope that your camera catches the vermite!!!!
Oh noooooo not again...KK!!! Ok maybe you need to stop going to Japan..lol!!! Seriously, maybe a small inexpensive greenhouse and grow in pots...
Wow Northerner....those look great. Haven't grown potatoes but one day I will.
I was making my lunch today and all of a sudden, I hear this high pressure water sound and looked outside from the stove. What I saw next set me...
Beautimoss everyone ..the story was funny!!! Gardens are producing..awesome veggies y'all!!!
I don't know about that Growing pains...I would have to give credit to all of these good people on this forum. They are the ones with great...
Marlingardener...I had to lay those puppies down..they were almost 7 ft tall. Got stems bending every which way.. You should see my patio...
LOL..Marlingardener!!! I'm trying it but heck they have outgrown the crosswires already. I might have to use the laying down/tie to trellis...
I'm trying Growingpains, to see which method would work better for me and i must say, it's a lot of fun. Great job on your plantings...can't wait...
I used the poles and cages but didn't like the cages last year. This year i'm using the poles and bamboo that I found on the side of the...
Thanks, Cayuga...I'm trying out different methods and tastes to which I like best. This is the first time EVERRRRR that I've had this many. I...
I will have to grow garlic....when do you plant it? Do you plant now for the fall?
Ahhhh, a true "Northerner"....always rushing!!! lol Maybe this is a time that you are supposed to look into maybe growing something inside. if...
Marlingardener....I use old panty hose. I remember that the static created during thunderstorm/lightening helps the plants. They always seemed...
Wow Deep Woods...that's a lot of honey..wish i was there to see and taste! Sorry about your war wounds though.
Growingpains....and now the grownup version!!! The tall one on the left is Early Girl. [ATTACH] Galinas, Principe Borghese, Mr. Stripey, Black...
Good Morning, To All: First of all, Happy Early Memorial Day!! I, too, am a Navy Veteran and will be watching ceremonies on TV. Secondly, Mom...
Northerner...don't give up. I don't know your temps there, but you have gotten a lotttttt of rain from your posts!!! Keep trying and keep talking...
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