Did some weeding in the back bed, and planted a new shrub, Weigela 'Minor Black'. Supposed to rain tomorrow, but if theres enough of a lull, I...
Me and the bf's roommate plans dinners for the whole week every weekend, then goes grocery shopping. Every Tuesday we have some sort of...
Got wet snow last night, so I had to go out and knock it off a few of my plants, like one of my shrubs that was being completely weighted down by...
Yay, thank you :D The bf and I were going to go out to breakfast, but both places we checked out were straight up packed! Like lines out the door!...
Dirtmechanic, I've seen giant lilies, my mom's husband grew one at his old house. It was taller than my then-bf, who was 5'6". But shame on White...
Tonight we had japanese-style meatballs, rice and "roasted" broccoli... our roommate (who does all the cooking) still isnt used to roasting vegs,...
Pizza :D But then I got the urge to make something sweet, so I made toffee cookies. My bf and roommate agreed they should be illegal (they were...
Yesterday, our area opened availability to people age 30 and up, so my roommate, my bf, and I hopped online to check out our options. The roomie...
Taco Tuesday today. Had yellow rice mixed with taco-seasoned beef, lettuce, cheese, sour cream in a bowl, with seconds of plain white rice. Also...
I was going to say that must smell amazing, but Sjoerd beat me to it :D
It's been awhile since I last posted a pic, and I've cut my hair since then... :D [ATTACH]
I watch Tucker too, he's so fluffy! <3
Had rice and some kind of thai flavored ground beef. It was different from what we usually eat, but I liked it. Had a nice citrusy bite.
Those daffodils I said weren't far behind yesterday, bloomed today! :D I thought they'd have another couple of days haha
Today was nice, up to 60°F, so I started clearing dead foliage and some kind of creeping weeds from the front bed. Crocuses and mini daffodils are...
Had biscuits and gravy for dinner. I haven't had it in at least 2 years. Usually our roommate's (he does the cooking for us) cooking is so-so, but...
My absolute favorite music is from Two Steps from Hell. Dont let the name scare you - one step from Hell is Earth, and two steps from Hell is...
Nothing today. I did do some front flower bed clean up a day or two ago. BUT! I was looking out the window today at my front flowers, and I saw a...
Separate names with a comma.