@Daniel W , interesting way to propigate plants. I did do some watering today. I was going to make the shelves for a cabinet I am fixing up....
Not sure when I popped in last. But Thursday, I mowed all afternoon and did not get it all done. I did some more mowing today. I still need to mow...
Other than weeds, I hate to toss my good plants. At least many weeds will feed Horsey or my chickens, so that is a perk. My cuttings of the...
@Daniel W , your harvest looks lovely. Yummy. I worked on weeding a flower bed this morning, so I would not miss my ride to the eye doctor's...
DS is home a few days this week from trucking. They sure keep them out on the road a LOT. He is building my new washline T posts. They are made...
@Daniel W, why get rid of fencing? It is so expensive. If I need to move it, I reuse it elsewhere. My botany book says there are 180...
[ATTACH] I had one of those little green froggies on my wheelbarrow the other day. He had a brown smile too. I like the little froggies. They are...
@Pacnorwest my horse is a Palomino quarter horse. She is 23 years old. We got 3 1/2 inches of rain so far since Tuesday. Yay. :) I was out...
We FINALLY got some good rain today. It is sorely needed, and we are supposed to get heavy storms overnight. I need to walk the dogs, hopefully...
I love the black-eyed Susans (aka rudbeckias)... I have loads of them, and need to get out there and collect seed heads from the spent ones. I...
A second cutting from the purple crepe myrtle is putting out a few buds. Guess I will have to find a place to plant them. I think I mentioned...
I did housework today, and ran errands. A friend takes us for errands. That took most of the day. One of my purple crepe myrtle cuttings is...
If you lived closer, I would have been glad for your extra lavender. I have planted lavender seeds many years and not a single one has sprouted. I...
Maybe the amaranth flowers were not invasive. However, they might have cross pollinated with the wild amaranth in my horse pasture, which is...
[ATTACH] just thought a good giggle would be nice.
guess I missed something again... @Daniel W , I make cuttings of my rosemary in the fall and start them that way. Sometimes rosemary will live...
@Daniel W, that is a ton of hard work removing a huge tree like that! it all looks good where you are. I don't know what you all do with YJ...
It is in the 90s here this week, with heat indices in the 100s. I am not doing much. But I did water my veggies and herb beds, and some of my...
Yesterday afternoon when taking care of my outside pets, I nearly stepped on a copperhead near my shed! Thank God I did not step on it, and was...
I got a little bit of pruning done yesterday on some of the rose of Sharon bushes by my paths. I got a few low mimosa branches also. I was going...
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