Love those Kwanzas! Mine aren't doing much- yet! Cayuga Mary sent me some last summer ( I think) and I cleaned their bed yesterday and pampered...
I know location,location, location is important. Believe me, I've learned it the hard way :rolleyes: Not sure about all of them but I know...
Howdy neighbor!! Welcome from Southern Oregon :setc_034:
Wow, I love it. I have some of the regular tiger lilies, not the doubles if you'd like some bulbils I'd be glad to share!!
What a wonderful idea!!!! I might try to copy that!!!
I think it looks great! I'd like to see a picture when the lilies open :)
Welcome from Southern Oregon :setc_034:
I'm not much of a pruner, I know enough to know I don't know enough. Does that make sense? :headscratch: I read a few articles on the internet...
You silly girl :p
Attractive & Functional!
Don't forget to root your coleus cuttings! :) That is probably the prettiest I've ever seen:D
Some really snappy comebacks here!!!
I don't mind the free samples so much, if it's something I like. However...salad bars are my nightmare!! We were at pizza one night and where I...
I don't remember their names, heck, sometimes I can't even remember my name!! :rosy:
I do like that Jupiter's beard!! I looked at the nurseries this summer but didn't have any luck. Perhaps I'll look for seeds on ebay. I pass a...
A whole hour!?! Normally ours are really short 10-15 minutes maybe. That is enough time to destroy my plants though :setf_050:
Last summer mom gave me 2 or 3 little clematis plants. I planted them in a HUGE pot, shaded with daylilies. Well, they are pitiful. They...
Holey Moley!!!o_O Man that sounds horrible. I've see pictures of your foot on facebook and wondered if you're staying off of it! Please don't...
Oh that coleus is gorgeous!!!:smt060 When mine get kind of spindley and leggy looking I cut them back. Works really well with petunias
Good to see you here Barb. I'm not very good at FaceBook- was sad to see you'd hurt yourself :( How are you healing?
Separate names with a comma.