Oh yes please!!
Strange isn't it that birthdays crop up every year DM? ;)
Thanks Mel and KK. :)
Thank you Clay.
Thanks again everyone. :)
Lovely Logan. Nothing up here yet but I'll get round to it soon hopefully.
A great way to brighten a room without spending lots of money. Another triumph Daniel.
A rare breed indeed Daniel. It's a pig dog!! :snicker:
Thanks so much for the birthday wishes. Got spoiled by Ian and the kids. I still don't feel my age because inside my head I'm still a youngster....
WOW you have so many talents Daniel. Keep those pics coming as I enjoy them so much.
I wouldn't have a clue where to start. :shrug: Looking forward to seeing the end result.
The word I use Sjoerd is sceptical as it means doubting that something is really true and I wouldn't give the cows 'predictions' serious credence...
Go Nederlands go!!
Oh boy how I would like a shed that size. Knowing my hubby though he'd have it filled with his junk before I could say boo.
:setf_016::setf_016:Good one Tetters!! :smt023
Keeping my fingers crossed for you Daniel in the hope you'll soon be back to your usual self.
He's obviously got a kind heart where you are concerned. Or maybe he's just scared of the consequences if he touched your plants. ;)
That cheered me up no end!!
That's one determined chicken!!
Now that's what I call a throw in.
Separate names with a comma.