My brother & I lived in a neighborhood with many children our age that of course we went to school with. Most of us were also outdoors most of...
I know I haven't posted much lately but we haven't had any 'NEW' snow lately. we only have all this old snow hanging around that doesn't seem to...
Oh boy! 6 more weeks of snow-I can't wait. NOT!
From one gardenstewer to another here's wishing you a very HAPPY BIRTHDAY.
We've had some rain in yesterday melting some snow but it'll be still be a few more months till spring is actually here for me. Your yard look...
Can't beleive you have plants blossoming already. How gorgoeus! Hope you don't mind-I'm writing down Heather on my list of wants for my yard....
As of May this year I will have been here 4 yrs. Its been so nice to hear from other people from differant parts of the world. To see their...
Thats great news Capt!
Good to see you made home o.k. Hope your visit with the family & grandkids was was a fun one.
I like the smell of rosemary. But I too cannot keep it in the ground thru the winter. I have just as much trouble growing it inside in a pot. The...
Glad to hear your mother is doing better. Thanks for the update.
what wonderful picts. I liked the sunsets-very pretty. Those snow hills, I could see many having a good time. My kids & I make our own here on...
welcome back Sprout. This will be my first full year with blueberry bushes. We picked up 4 if they do good I'll go get more. Anyway, Glad to...
ahh, what pretty flowers will do on a snowy gloomy day. Birds chirping, frogs croakng, trees budding, The sounds of the geese returning to the...
Anyone else doing or have done winter sowing this year?
Ferry & Morse are also sold thru this company. ... ptID=29148 I bought several last year and had good...
I can send you a list that your welcome to pick from. I'll p.m. you later since I'm about to head out right now.
I know this has been a past subject (I was unable to find the right post) I have been a bit lazy this winter and haven't even gotten my winter...
Gail-Ive seen your violets you've posted, they are very pretty. Mine do not all flower at the same time. Netty-I really do love my plants and...
I always enjoy reading your post as well. They always seem to be of full detail. It sure sounded as if there was plenty of snacks. They sure...
Separate names with a comma.