Thank you all for liking my chipmunks. Spring is a bus time in the garden and with a new grand baby to help take care of, I have not had time to post.
I joined garden stew after being dissatisfied with another garden website. I really enjoy GS and wish I had more time to participate.
Thanks Sherry...I was in the right place at the right time. Chipmunks are solitary creatures. They only interact like this until they leave...
Thanks feeders are outside my kitchen window. I do try to keep the window clean :-)
Thanks Chocolate...They do both...chew and dig. They have a main borough where they store all my birdseed :-? and then different chambers and...
Appreciate your comments Sjoerd. I agree the trio on the sign is my favorite too. They were entertaining and cooperative for these photos but...
Thanks so much for your comments Carolyn, Jerry, Cheryl, Droopy, Kiasmum and Eileen. They are fun to watch but in a few weeks we will put out...
Welcome from a fellow gardener in Knoxville, TN . Love visiting Nashville . :mrgreen:
Every year in early March a new brood of baby chipmunks venture out of their borough. They romp and play for a few days and then they scatter to...
Thank you, if we did it ourselves it would probably take us 3 years. We had a landscaper do it :stew2: :stew2:
I have only checked in sporadically but have read a few of your bee posts...sounds like a lot of work. I hope you enjoy it as much as your...
Thank you Netty :-D
Thanks Droopy, looking forward to seeing them with spring blossoms :-D
Thanks Tooty and Sjoerd. Sjoerd...all is well, we have a week old grandson, so he is keeping us very busy at the moment :-D
Your welcome Eileen. Thanks Cayuga Morning :-D
Thank you all for indulging a proud grandparent, if you don't see my bird & flower photos you will know why...I have a new subject to photograph...
Thank you all for your comments and congrats...I agree with all of them :mrgreen: . He is a blessing.
Thanks Jewell, Cheryl, Frank and Eileen for all your omments. Eileen I would be please if you share these photos :-D
Here are a few of my regular visitors during our last snow [img] Eastern bluebird male ( photo / image / picture from gfreiherr's Garden )...
I am proudly announcing the arrival of our first grandchild, Elliot James Bradshaw. He suprised us 5 weeks early, giving us a few anxious hours...
Separate names with a comma.