You did a wonderful job on your planter.
That is a fabulous privacy screen you created.
Thanks for visiting my sites everyone.
Nettie, I use the regular acrylic paint that you buy at most craft stores. Before putting the item outside I seal it with a spray type sealer.
Here are a couple of the ladybugs I just finished for the garden. Instructions are on my website or blog....
Your fairy house is wonderful.
GE silicone II works really well as does Crafters Goop
Your totem is great. I've been collecting pieces for one, maybe this will be the year I'll get around to putting it together.
Good afternoon. I am finally feeling better, not 100%, but getting there, after about 4 weeks of being very sick. There was lots of things I...
Hi mcrait, nice to meet you. I'm also from south eastern Ontario, by the Bay of Quinte.
Hello from another Ontario gardener. Where abouts do you live in our province? It could be any or all of those critters you mentioned.
Hi everyone - I'm still off work with a horrible cold, no voice and absolutely no energy. I've been neglecting things on the computer. Hope to...
Great finds. What plans do you have for them?
That looks like a great, tall tipsy. Can't wait to see it with all the plants growing.
Wow, you did an amazing job. It looks fabulous
Good morning. I haven't been on the computer much this past week or so. I've got the most horrible head cold and it just won't shift. By Friday...
You did a great job on the chair, it looks just like new and will be a wonderful addition to your memory garden.
I love windchimes too. Over the winter I take them all inside as the weather would just be too hard on them. The weather has been gorgeous all...
absolutely gorgeous
The flat leaves in your first photo remind me of an amarlysis, as does the bloom.
Separate names with a comma.