Hubby and I both love cooking shows. We spend hours in the kitchen together. He doesn't cook but LOVES to chop and dice. It's heaven for me. He...
I love them. :-D I think I have 5 that we made. One we used a bowling ball but the rest started out as hypertufa balls I made. I have several...
I'm scared to even go look at it!
Hubby and I saw this stuff and immediately went and got some old windows. We are in the middle of making one of the small decorative greenhouses....
I do hope your pics are ok. Be sure to back them up on a disc from time to time.
Good grief I thought it was wet here until I saw this. All you need now is a flock of ducks.
Beautiful pics. :) I LOVE marigolds, even their smell. They always do great even in drought. They are the first flower I grew from seed as a...
You are SMART to ask questions. :stew2:
How SWEET and I don't mean the chia! Now that song will be in my head all day... :stew1:
I feel ya. It was 70 here this weekend and we stayed out in it as much as possible. Makes the winter seem shorter with these little breaks. :)
How adorable he is on his winter frolic! :-D I know what you mean about housekeeping. I have two German Shepherds and I know it's time to vacum...
I had finches before and they seemed hyperactive and made a huge seed mess all the time. I've had budgies and they were very lovable and talked. I...
What a great bunch of birds. :-D We have all of those here at one time or another. Don't you just love when the swallows come back? I have geese...
I Feel your pain. 13 here yesterday and the warming trend can't come fast enough. :stew1:
Eileen, you Never have to ask. You can have anything of mine you like. :-D
I love these tiny treasures. I keep mine up around the pergola posts at my back door. They are indeed "gems." :stew2:
Well, I looked out this morning and how very colorful it was, cold too. :-D [img]
I bet you were pleased to see this Red-spotted Purple butterfly lounging on your car. Good pix of this beauty. :stew2:
Happy Birthday. May health and prosperity come your way. :stew1:
Two pounds is a very good size for a bird. Their bones are hollow and lightweight. It IS a Coopers Hawk. The banded tail and rounded on the end...
Separate names with a comma.