It's the cottage at 1.46 in this video... [MEDIA] This is it now :( [ATTACH]
We will you know :D I've worked alongside archaeologists most of my working life, went hand in hand with working on historic sites and buildings.
He is Droopy :D We call them Mother in law's seat too :D There was a stonking great one in the Garden Centre today for £35. You'm not watering...
We visited Chilham on the trail of "The Glue Man" from the film "A Canterbury Tale" (1944) :D There were lots of snowdrops in the churchyard :)...
Cheers good people :) Captain Neem Oil and 3 seed grown cacti :) Two Ferocacti and an Echinocactus platyacanthus[ATTACH]
And today pic of just snowdrops :D [ATTACH]
It's not one I've propagated so far, mainly grown Parodias, Opuntias and Mammillarias :) [ATTACH] I've managed to kill a few this winter :D...
They look good Droopy :) First one is a Myriostigma, i've only got a few of them. [ATTACH] [ATTACH]
Cheers Cayuga :)
January's thread here [ATTACH]
Cor, there's some good stuff there @Cayuga Morning :like: The 2 barrel cacti at the bottom can grow up to a tonne each :eek::cool::like:
Happy Birthday Sjoerd :)
I like that theory @Daniel W :) Conservation of energy could account for that. There's remnants of the impact exposed a few miles from here, in...
Seeds are starting to germinate, some Maihueniopsis platyacantha have come up (A type of low growing, clumping Opuntoid) [ATTACH]
I can't see them sometimes and I know they're there :D
Not seen a deer near here but it might give our late night intruder a shock next time they try to walk through it :D
Thank you all for having a look :) I am very proud, and happy that she's got out of the city and back to nature :)
When Daughter #1 Poppie was 5 years old I took her school class on a nature ramble, showing the children what was edible and what was poisonous....
Hope you all enjoy the soggyness of this special experience :D [ATTACH]
More posts today. Eventually they'll have fence nailed to them :) [ATTACH]
Separate names with a comma.