Cor, nice one Mel :)
Further to a question from our Daniel, here's a few bits about the above :) [MEDIA] That video was made last year, since then we've had an even...
No worries @Daniel W :) I'll put a few pics on a different thread :)
Happy Birthday Eileen :) May all your spammers be easy to delete and non of your posts get put on moderation :D Have a good one :) [ATTACH]
Takes at least a year Daniel, slightly quicker if you chop them up, but not much. Just pack them wet into dumpy bags, keep them damp and cover...
Cheers Daniel :) Ooo, I like that one :like:
I re uploaded an old video of mine to youtube so I could put it on here, easier than describing it :) [MEDIA] Found a pic of Daughter Willow...
I've put Tetters Cymbidium in the cactus house :whistling: @eileen [ATTACH] It looked lonely there so I snuggled it up with a few cacti :)...
Nederlands then :like::D I'd trust that cow :)
They are artifical slates, think they're cement fibre or something. They cut very well and are very easy to nail. Only shiney because the rain is...
Once Tetters has a brush in her hand there's no stopping her :like: [ATTACH]
Like this :D [ATTACH]
Uncovered the concrete base yesterday, had it covered to keep debris and pigeons off it. [ATTACH] And this happened today :) [ATTACH]
Roof is all finished now.... [ATTACH]
Ta Sjoerd :) [ATTACH]
They look very much like that Cayuga. Lots of them still along our coasts and rivers. They were manned by The Home Guard, which was made up of...
It's pretty good for December Logan :like: 3 weeks till the days start to get longer :) [ATTACH]
Separate names with a comma.