:roll: Yup, it NEVER fails - give me a bit of vacation time and I will find some dreadful bug to catch. I think I'm turning the corner now,...
Hi Richie, To be quite honest, I don't find keeping Poinsettias worth all the trouble. I know that some folks may disagree on this, but, as...
Exquisite!! These beautiful photos are like a tonic, and just when my spirits really needed a lift! [img] I'm a pitiful mess. Many thanks.
[img][img][img] Hope your day is fantastic, Dooley!
OH Wrennie! You certainly know the right "medicine" to make me feel better!! [img] I have been absolutely miserable the for the past week,...
[img] Hi there Quietly Awesome, I'm glad you made the jump into the Stew! [img]
Hi faunsnyder [img] from the coast of N.Carolina.
Welcome, Kaseylib [img] It's great to meet you!
:mrgreen: Ooooo, ya got some lovely goodies there!! ( :wink: I, also, root Jade in soil rather than water) The plants in the upper right and...
:lol: - Definitely NOT only you, Netty, I learned a few years ago that Chia is a variety of Salvia, believe it or not, specifically, Salvia...
Dracaena sanderana is the plant commonly sold as "Lucky Bamboo" and it usually grows more robustly if planted in soil. :smt023 I agree with...
Thank you both, so much. [img] They do look like very close friends, huh? [img] Hmmm, [img] Snowfolk love . . . [img] . . . is that where...
[img] Ya got me, Toni!
That's an absolutely beautiful piece of work, Droopy! The sort of a gift that will be treasured for many years.
It's been a very busy week here, but that's no good excuse :oops: I just didn't make the time to take or post pix - 'til now. I hope you'll...
Many thanks, Barb. [img] Wishing you and yours a very blessed Christmas and a joyous 2008!
[img] To each and every one of you, my treasured Stew friends. [img]
[img]Hiya Heather Lynn, it's great to meet you. Yes, I can almost remember back to my very first couple of potted plants . . . oh dear, that...
[img] Wowzers!! That's a whole lotta snow!! Oh my, oh my . . . driveway 580 feet long, 7 feet wide . . . . . . snow 2 feet (or more) deep . ....
[img] And wishes for many happy returns of the day!
Separate names with a comma.