[img] this is a picture of our kizzy in the greenhouse parked in a seed tray. cats do find the most awkward places to sleep or sit. G.
RIP ambrose you will be missed little lad. G.
hi rachael, dublin is a place I have yet to visit but will try soon it will be a ferry job as I am in West Wales which has been very wet of late...
hi joe2cool, welcome to gardenstew,I am in Wales but come from the south-east(Brighton)and am enjoying good soil and good rain and sun here in...
we don't see any fireflies here in wales pity as they would add something, plenty of bats though. G.
poor Oreo hope he is feeling a little better now,we have harvest mites somewhere near us and the little **** get into the cats paws between the...
thanks eileen :)
not that I am complaining but where are they all I have seen only a few small snails and slugs whereas they are normally everywhere and some have...
we put in a Lavatera last year white with red centred flowers,now I always thought that Lavatera was a deciduous but this one kept all of its...
he looks and acts just like ours I have spent hours trying to teach them how to weed :-? G.
Welcome wendy I am over in Wales although originally from Brighton. its wet in Wales, very wet. G.
welcome Ogami from Wales........thats the bit on the western end that looks like its about to drop off. and its very wet right now!! G
I have trees,lots of them,its a great idea. G.
Hard work helping dad. G.
great picture!!!! G.
way to go STEVE!!! crazy well of coarse you are but in the nicest way. looking forward to some pictures. threads like these always give me the...
we bought a stone frog that did not look right just by the pond so its had a hole drilled in its mouth and is now the pond feed not as though you...
great drawings Eileen,you really do have a talent. G.
hi pete, I live right in the middle of Carmarthen and Llanelli which has a fair drop of water dumped on it and even last summer I did not have to...
hi pete, I am new here too you might be able to see me if I :smt006 because I live in west Wales lots of good old rain but shhhhh! we have not...
Separate names with a comma.