amber is a great name for a boy cat (how on earth did they miss them)he is very handsome/or pretty if its a girl. we have a ginger and a ginger...
as most have said cats always win any arguments about where they sit/lay,cats do what cats do and its in their job description. we have just...
welcome treker, not been here long myself nice group of people, I am tucked away in south-west Wales in the UK,so if you ever need some water !! G.
Bethie said Maybe she can catch some low fat birds. In my blurred vision I thought you had written low flat birds THERE IS A STORY as far as...
[img] squeak has not been to well lately,she has had trouble with her spine its a slipped disc or some crumbling of the spine after several...
nature is very unforgiving,and it is sad it is a collared dove,as I think they mate for life,we have a pair who live near us and are a bit to cute...
puzzle looks very handsome and it gives me a nice warm feeling when someone takes in a cat makes the cat special also makes the someone special....
when I had a veggie garden(its now all shrubs and flowers)I even used to start my carrots and parsnips in the greenhouse(cold)and was very...
bubba is a beautiful kittie and goes to prove that love and care and you can bring round any cat and he is a credit to you. :-D
nice to see she is home with you now saffron,did the others miss her? and I am sure you did? G.
hi Inthewoods I am new here too from west Wales UK love your photo he/she loves the camera. G.
me too! good site and easy to look at. G.
hello penny I am fairly new here too. welcome from west Wales UK. :-D
we have a pond which is about 3m x 4m and its been very good,but we have had a heron who has culled some of the larger goldfish (we only have...
HAPPY BIRTHDAY eileen,hope you have a good day. G.
I have a problem, not with strays, but with neighbours cats. I'm fed up with them coming over our six foot fence and hunting my birds and leaving...
two very interesting sites eileen my hardwood cuttings have been a bit hit and miss but will say I have a flowering current that I have been using... ... 081379.pbw well this is all six,and I can't believe I have done it like this on photbucket(if I... I found this one one google along with many others all a bit pricey,but you could do what I do...
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