The tomatoes are winding down quickly and I only have about 5-6 that are doing well this late in the season. That will give me pots and space for...
Going to plant seeds this weekend for the fall garden. Not wanting to get crazy but will do a tray with 3-4 varieties. It's only the second time...
[ATTACH] Picked these today. The peppers in the lower left corner are a variety of "superhots" that was labeled as habanero peppers but the...
[ATTACH] Made a cherry tomato pie last night (cause I had a ton of them!) with parmesan and ricatta cheese. Very tasty with baked pork chops....
Fertilized the garden and watered this am. Tonight I will harvest some cayenne peppers to take to my boss as he thought the habanero was way too...
Raining is what it is NOT doing at my house, despite a week's worth of cloud cover and thunder! Grrrrrrrr... Glad yours is hydrated
Looked at it, saw it needed watering, sighed and went to sit down. The struggle is real...
Just purchased a few Cherokee purple tomatoes yesterday at a roadside market. They're looking so very tasty!
I didn't pick any veggies for two or three days and yesterday had about 2# of cherry tomatoes to harvest! These veggies will overwhelm you if...
Is that pickled garlic cloves?? Yummmmmmm!
No butterflies, unless the swallowtail comes in at 6'1" and 300#! Lol I used the last of the dill and left a healthy stalk but no new growth has...
Anyone know if a dill plant will survive if it has no (zero/nada) leaves on the remaining stalks? Asking for a friend... Lol
Just liberally added pickled jalapeno peppers on my tacos! That's the same reason I pickled them, I couldn't eat them all.
I am using this batch a lot more than last year's. Almost done with my first 20oz jar and then can start on the last 32oz jar. Woop Woop!! Lol
Chickens are omnivores and will eat about anything. Watched videos of them eating yogurt and oatmeal. They will even eat chicken... I know,...
Those little suckers can squeeze through the tiniest of spaces! Saw a video of one going through a 2" wide opening with no trouble. Hardware cloth...
I once told my father, who was an avid hunter (mostly pheasant) while living in Michigan, that I had never had bear meat before. He said "Yes you...
Man! I go out to prune my plants of dying or diseased leaves/branches and it's an all day job. I try to do it once or twice a week but could...
It seems at one time I was the president of the University of Richmond (The Spiders!). Who knew??
Separate names with a comma.