Job completed by 3.00pm They had to make more room for the 25mm plastic pipe, where it comes in behind the back of the bottom drawer. I'll stick...
Nothing's easy is it? An example of "Sod's Law." Before the "Water Boys" arrived, I had a shower. Then found the shower wouldn't turn off. It'll...
Did a lot today. The blossom on this pergola has all gone. [IMG] It was all stuck to the patio by the rain a couple of days ago, so it...
The electrical safety regulations are thus, as here in the UK we're on 240v. On the subject of bathrooms, I installed a new suite twenty years...
There's some pretty strong electrical safety regulations in the UK. Since the beginning of 2001, your average DIYer "isn't allowed to do much more...
Today, I spent quite some time in the front garden getting it looking good. I've taken some more photos so if I'm dissatisfied with the...
The work is scheduled to be done on Monday.
I've accepted a quote of marginally over £1000 to install a new mains water supply. We've experienced decreasing water pressure over the years and...
No gardening today. I've been chasing up quotes for a new mains water supply. Over the years, it has steadily decreased. I know United Utilities...
Just a bit of watering today. This is the azalea my wife bought over thirty years ago from a stall on Altrincham Market, run by a guy who had a...
Just a bit of wisteria pruning today on this one. > [IMG] The blossom is not all out yet, but already it is producing new growth which will...
I've done nothing today more than tie up a few clematis. The alternate rain and sunshine has done my lawn the world of good. The only treatment...
This reminds me of my first job when I was seventeen. I worked for a life insurance company. They had cabinets of card files as big as this in the...
I've done nothing today, apart from making this video. [MEDIA]
I did a bit today. I was going to re-point the patio where necessary, but it is likely to rain. So I mowed the lawn and fed the pots. We're...
We've had this acer in our tiny front garden for nearly forty years, Every winter I prune six inches and more off it, all the way round otherwise...
I got into the rockery today, I dug out two bucket-fulls of grass. [IMG] It's a bit of a "baby and bathwater" situation, as the grass is...
This is our third Acer Palmatum Taylor. They don't like our winters, the previous two died each one in the previous two years. This I took in...
Tied up a few clematis. Found homes for three of those I had on the window sill of the shed. Treated the lawn with feed and moss kill.
I should have added that we don't use the door to outside that's in the kitchen. The room is not very large and two large Joseph Joseph bins live...
Separate names with a comma.