Happy Birthday !! Still a youngster ! I am older than dirt !
Step daughter and hubby just came back from there ! She said the same thing !
Couldn`t even see the sun this morning !!
And forgot to tell you KK,, This year has had many problems and most are weather related ! We have 4 apple trees and one very old pear tree which...
Very interesting and educational topic we all need to pay attention to ! PS,, don`t spend too much on those handbaskets MG,, the market may...
I did not know you could do that ! Not that I can grow flowers of any kind but others here can ! Excellent ! Thanks !
KK is correct ! Just follow his advice !
Can you post pics ? Could be late blight but sounds more like a fungal problem !
Everyone needs neighbors like her ! Looks delicious !
Hello there and welcome to the forum ! Tell us your location and what is growing there !
Kalanchoe is a good easy care plant !
Well if you are in south Florida and not using some sort of spray,, you will not be eating much ! Just go to the feed store, or pet store and...
I didn`t even know they got that big !
It is starting to green up in the pasture ! Horses were wondering if I put them on a diet ! Yes we needed rain badly ! Besides if it floods...
We got about 4 inches which was badly needed ! All soaked in and not a drop of standing water here ! Dallas is all concrete, water can't soak...
The climate changes from year to year ! It never stays the same ! Every few years we have a summer drought as this year was ! Next year we may...
Neat snake,, Keep him !
No clue but let us know what you find out !
Darn,, you could have shoved him in a suitcase and been the only person in central Texas with a sloth for a pet !
I can`t either !
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